The Swedish travel magazine FREEDOMtravel was started in 2009 by us, Peter och Helena Bergström. The magazine provides inspiration regarding travel destinations in Sweden, Europe and the rest of the world.
FREEDOMtravel – a Swedish travel magazine
FREEDOMtravel is a Swedish travel magazine that inspires to small and big adventures, in Sweden as well as in Europe and the rest of the world. The magazine is aimed at independent and curious travellers, with an interest in nature, culture or other experiences.
The articles are written for people who travel by car, motorhome, caravan, motorcycle, train or boat – and for people who fly and on site want to go on adventures and excursions. The magazine is written in Swedish and is translated into: – a new article every day
Every day, at 06:00 am, you find a new article at The articles are written by us, Helena and Peter Bergström, or any of our guest writers. You are welcome to read every day, without costs, or subscribe to our newsletter, which is delivered every Sunday or Monday.
You can also search among the articles, to find articles about a specific country or a specific area. Have a look in the main manu and start at ”Sweden”, ”Europe” or ”The World”.
Statistics: Who are our readers?
We use Google Analytics, which is business standard and one of the most serious tools to analyse traffic on websites. Here you can read more about our readers:
- Unique visitors/month: 120,000
- Page views/month: 230,000
- Geographics: 93 % in Sweden and 2,5 % in other Nordic countries
- Gender: 56 % are women
- Age: see diagram below
Do you want to know more about our readers and their interests? Read this reader survey, which was published in January 2024.

On our site there is also a webshop, where you can find smart and fun products for people who love travelling, leisure, camper and caravan life and boat life. You can also find Swedish gifts that are perfect for your camping friends or to bring on the trip abroad.

Social media
We use Facebook, Instagram, Youtube and Mynewsdesk. Here you can see the number of followers. When we make a cooperation with a company we can always give a report on reach and interaction.
- Facebook: 4 000+
- Instagram: 13 000+
- Youtube: 400+
The print magazine: summer magazine in campsites
In summer 2021 and summer 2022, we published a physical magazine that was printed in 100,000 copies and distributed to 600 campsites, from Mora in the north to Ystad in the south of Sweden, as well as to a bunch of camper dealers. Here you can see all versions:

Awards for FREEDOMtravel
FREEDOMtravel is one of the biggest magazines in Scandinavia about travel, adventure and camping, and has received several awards:
2021 – 2022
- Croatian National Tourist Board, 2022: Golden Pen Media Award
- Topblogarea, 2021: The 5 best travel blogs in Sweden 2021
- Produktexperter, 2021: 23 best travel blogs in Sweden 2021
- Skyscanner, 2018: 10 interesting travel blogs
- Cision, 2018: Cisions’s ranking of Swedish travel blogs
- Nordic Travel Blog Events, 2016: Travel Innovator 2016
- Croatioan National Tourist Board, 2016: Golden Pen Award
- Travelmarket, 2016: Best travel blogs in Sweden
- Newspaper Expressen, 2016: The 12 best Swedish travel blogs
- Skyscanner, 2014: Bloscar Travel Awards
- Newspaper Expressen, 2014: 10 travel blogs you have to read
- Cision, 2013: Cision’s ranking of Swedish travel blogs
- Supersaver Travel, 2013: Travel Blog Awards, best travel blogs
- Cision, 2012: Cision’s ranking of Swedish travel blogs

About us in media
We have been interviewed in several newspapers, magazines and radio shows, about our Swedish travel blog and our travels:
- CampingSverige, January 2022: FreedomTravel include influencers
- Allt om husbilen, January 2022: Freedomtravel becomes magazine
-, januari 2022: Freedomtravel turns from blog to magazine and gathers influencers
- Visit Czech Republic, January 2022: Roadtrip to the heart of Europe – discover Czechia in a camper
- CampingSverige, October 2021: The travel blog FreedomTravel – now also as a magazine
- The podcast ”Lyckas i livet”, part 19: Helena och Peter, FREEDOMtravel
- VLT Bostadspuls, March 2018: They live in a houseboat and they want to stay the rest of their lives
- The podcast ”Ready for Takeoff” #3, 2017: ”How do the biggest Travel Bloggers in Sweden travel?”
- Inriktning/Aftonbladet, 12 of June, 2017: ”It is the most free way of travelling”
- Husbil & Husvagn, nr 2, 2017: Spend the winter in the south of Europe
- Nordic Nomads, 2016: Blogger of the month
- Husbil & Husvagn, nr 3, 2016: One year with a camper in Europe
- The podcast ”Att resa”, 005, 2016: Travelling with a camper in Europe
- Swedish radio Yle, January 2016: Bloggers will inspire tourists to the archipelago
- Radio P5 Stockholm, January 2016: Radio show about the camper tour
- Hemmets Journal, nr 24, 2015: We are always on the road – and love it!
- Kvällsposten, April 2015: They travel around Europe – in a house on 4 wheels
- Helsingsborgs Dagblad, April 2015: Freedom on the roads of Europe
- Travellink, 2015: The traveler of the month: Helena, Peter and the camper
- Nomadliv: The camper with extra everything
- CampingSverige: An extraordinary travel blog
- Metropol 93,8 Swedish Radio, June 2014: Radio Metropol about camper tours
- Reseguiden, January 2014: Blog of the week – FREEDOMtravel
- Expressen, May 2011: Will you travel luxoury – in a camper?
- ATV Terrängmagazinet, nr 2, 2011: On 4×4 wheels in Morocco
- Amelia Sommar, May 2010: We love to squeeze!
- Kattis & Co, nr 3, 2009: Vacation in a small area
- Husbilen Test, nr 7, 2009: Not as everybody else

We are members of several important networks for travel bloggers, such as Svenska resebloggar, Swedish Travel Bloggers, Nordic Nomads, Professional Travel Bloggers Association and Influencers of Sweden.
We have cooperated with several companies and tourism boards, such as Bulgaria Travel, Croatia Tourism Board, Czech Tourism, Germany Tourism, Hungarian Tourism, Live Riga, Malta Tourism Authority, Morocco Tourism Board, Poland Tourism, Switzerland Tourism, Visit Espoo, Visit Estonia, Visit Flanders and Visit Turku.