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Travel tips for everyone - according to Lonely Planet


What do you want to do on holiday? Experience nature, have fun... or just relax? Depending on your preferences, here are some tips from Lonely Planet's Traveller's Choice. The top spot among all countries was unexpectedly given to Bhutan - which I'm sure is beautiful, but at least I don't know much about it... What do you want to do on your holiday? Here you can find destination tips!


Eating good food

Great destinations for those who want to eat good food: Italy, Thailand, India, Japan, Argentina, Vietnam, France, Lebanon, Taiwan, Spain

Experiencing adventure

Perfect destinations for the adventurous: New Zealand, Costa Rica, Nepal, Peru, Australia, Iceland, Bhutan, Bolivia, India, Uganda

Getting value for money

Value for money on the ground: Thailand, India, Bolivia, Cambodia, Ghana, Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Indonesia, Bulgaria

See cultural attractions

For those who want to see cultural attractions: Cambodia, Bhutan, Italy, India, Egypt, Iran, Burma, China, Japan, Uzbekistan

Experiencing nature

For all nature lovers: Costa Rica, Iceland, New Zealand, Bhutan, Australia, Namibia, Ecuador, Brazil, Canada, Kenya

Feeling safe

For those who want to feel safe: Japan, Iceland, New Zealand, Canada, Singapore, Australia, Bhutan, Switzerland, Germany, Norway


Just want to relax? Maldives, Fiji, Seychelles, Bahamas, Barbados, Thailand, Belize, Dominican Republic, Greece, Indonesia

Calm down

Destinations for those who want to have fun while travelling: UK, USA, Argentina, Australia, Ireland, Thailand, Spain, Hong Kong, Brazil, Singapore


Excellent shopping destinations: USA, Hong Kong, Thailand, UAE, UK, South Korea, Singapore, France, Japan, Argentina.

Go off the beaten track

Some more unusual destinations: Bhutan, Moldova, Mozambique, Algeria, Ghana, Albania, Bolivia, Burma, Iceland, Azerbaijan.

Island rundresa
Iceland perhaps?

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