
Hi, there! It's great that you've found your way here! Here at FREEDOMtravel you will find travel inspiration and tips - both for short trips and longer journeys. This is your online travel magazine. Every day a new story! Always personal and always free!

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Bron Bastei i Saxiska Schweiz
Peter and Helena in Bastei, Germany, from the travel magazine FREEDOMtravel

New report every morning at 06:00

Do you like to travel, or to brighten up your everyday life with pleasant excursions? Or do you just want to find some exciting travel stories to read? Then you have found the right place! Here at FREEDOMtravel we publish a new report every morning at 06:00.

Report on travel - for all travellers

The reports are aimed at those who travel by car, bus, train, motorhome, caravan, motorbike, bicycle, boat or plane (or in their imagination!), and who like to experience nature, culture, food and history. The focus is on Europe and Sweden, but there is also room for long-distance adventures.

On FREEDOMtravel, you will sometimes be met with more moderate travel reports, and sometimes with more light-hearted reading. Most often it is us - Helena and Peter - who write, and sometimes it is one of our guest writers. You are welcome to read, and if you want, you can also write a comment!

Start reading now!

But hey, you don't have to wait for your first newsletter. You can start reading now! Click here to go to the home page. There you will find all the latest stories. You can also search the menu to find stories about a specific country. Start with "Sweden", "Europe" or "World" and browse further. Happy travelling!

Peter and Helena in Douz, Tunisia, from FREEDOMtravel magazine.

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