Holidays in Eastern Europe! Here you'll find everything from sandy beaches to historical sights and beautiful cities worth visiting. Let our travel tips inspire you to start planning your trip!

Click on the country you are interested in and find lots of inspiration and ideas. All tips are based on our own, or our guest writers', experiences. Let the dreams begin for a wonderful holiday in Eastern Europe!

Holidays in Eastern Europe

Why not book your next holiday in Eastern Europe? Prices are lower in the eastern part of Europe and this part of Europe offers everything from exciting weekend cities to perfect destinations whether you're looking for sun and sea or nature and adventure.

So which countries are included in Eastern Europe? That depends on who you ask, and we have chosen to include the Baltic States, Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova. Other countries that could be included can be found under holidays in Central Europe and holidays in south-eastern Europe.

The Baltics

The Baltics are close to Sweden and have a lot to offer. In the Baltic countries, prices are better than in Sweden, and you can get high quality services and experiences. For example, there are plenty of really good restaurants and renowned spa facilities. Read more about the country you are interested in:

Guidad tur i Tallinn - semester i östra Europa
Tallinn in Estonia

Furthest east in Eastern Europe

If you go a little further east in Eastern Europe, you will find countries like Ukraine, Belarus, Moldova and Russia. Unfortunately, the world situation means that it is not currently (2023) appropriate to travel as a tourist to Russia or Ukraine, but we have travelled to these countries in the past:

Lavra Kiev
Kiev in Ukraine

More tips for your holiday in Eastern Europe

You can find tips for your holiday in Eastern Europe by clicking on the countries above. Not sure what to choose? Here is a top list (in no particular order) of ten great holiday destinations in Eastern Europe:

  1. Lahemaa National Park in Estonia - nature and mansions
  2. Dagö in Estonia - among lighthouses and Swedish history
  3. Sights of Riga - 9 things to do in Riga
  4. Narva in Estonia - on the border with Russia
  5. Haapsalu in Estonia - noise pollution on the coast
  6. Tartu in Estonia - 10 things to see and do
  7. Riga's best restaurants two restaurants to remember
  8. Saaremaa in Estonia - Island of windmills
  9. ESPA - at a luxury spa in Riga, Latvia
  10. Rummu quarry in Estonia - prison became a bathing paradise
Rummu stebrott i Estland
Rummu quarry in Estonia

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