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Soon a harbour with ultra-modern houseboats in Västerås?


If all goes according to plan, Västerås will soon have a harbour with ultra-modern houseboats. Here you will be able to live in self-sufficient and environmentally friendly homes on the water, with all the amenities you can imagine. We were in Västerås this weekend for completely different reasons, and by a funny coincidence were invited to the architectural office that designs the boats, for coffee and cinnamon buns ...

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New dressers and new espresso machine in the houseboat


It was a bit sad to leave the heat of Rome and come back to the cold, but still cosy to come home to the houseboat. We've been living the life this week with work and training, and we've also managed to get new dressers and a new espresso machine for the houseboat. Today it's time for a trip abroad again ... but now only Peter is going.

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Time to paint the deck and lining of the houseboat


In the summer of 2014, we lifted the entire houseboat on land and did a complete renovation that included new construction of the entire upper floor, new panelling everywhere and a new balcony floor on the deck. But of course a houseboat requires maintenance! We've decided that it's best to do a little each year, and this year it was time to paint the deck and lining.

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Maintaining a houseboat - gangway repair


You have to maintain a houseboat just like you maintain a house. We raised the boat on land in 2014 and rebuilt and renovated most of it then, but there will always be things that need to be fixed. Right now we actually had not thought to fix with the boat, considering that we are busy getting the motorhome ready for departure at midsummer. But then there was one thing that absolutely must fixed ...

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Fixing water leaks in a houseboat


A houseboat is like a house. Or maybe like a boat. It requires maintenance. We lifted and renovated the entire boat in the summer of 2014. But of course there are still things that need to be fixed, continuously. Now it was time to change some things that we did not change last time, and to fix various water leaks. The toilet leaked water, the kitchen tap leaked water and then we found water ... in the hull!

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Take a look inside our houseboat - with 360 images


We are living everyday life right now. In the mornings we walk together to my job. I spend the whole day at the office, and Peter works at home - right now preparing for the birth. boat show which opens on Saturday. When I get home, dinner is on the table, and then it's time for blogging or maybe an occasional film. Exciting, isn't it?

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Apartments: Here is my life part 12


Ok, here we go. In 2007 our family went to the adventure country of New Zealand and adventured with a rented campervan. Helena and I had my two sons (Robin and Billie) with us. We had planned the trip from home for every kilometre and with an adventure every day, on both islands for over three weeks.

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Converting a houseboat


Yesterday you could read our post about the first renovation of the houseboat - what we did while the boat was still in the water. Today is the continuation. Here's what happened when we lifted the boat onto land and started to work on the real challenges.

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Houseboat renovation - this is how it started ...


If you've been following our blog for a few years, you probably remember when we bought and renovated our houseboat. It was an absolutely hysterical job we embarked on, and in retrospect it seems almost unlikely that we managed to complete it. Here's a little summary of the first part of the renovation - the one we did while the boat was still in the water.

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Festivities in the marina - and a view from high altitude


Yesterday it was time to inaugurate a new tradition in the marina where we live: herring lunch with the neighbours on the jetty. Among other things, this event allowed us to photograph from new heights!

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