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Who holds the camera?


According to a musing on SvD's Travel Blog, it is usually the man who holds the camera on holiday. This makes us wonder. Is there really such a gender difference when it comes to holiday photography, and if so, why?


Two questions about photography on holiday

On SvD's Travel Blog has this musing: "An estimated 99 per cent of all the heterosexual couples I see while travelling have one thing in common: it's the man holding the camera.

Age and nationality don't matter - holiday photos are taken almost exclusively by boys, men and old men." It then asks two questions: 1) Why is this the case? and 2) How does this affect posterity's image of contemporary holidays?

Who holds the camera in your organisation?

In our case, we both hold the camera. Peter likes photography and takes great pictures. On holiday it's still quite often me who grabs the camera (maybe because I have the blog in mind). So now I'm a little curious ... who is holding the camera with you? Have you noticed any male "photographer dominance" and if so, how do you think it affects?

Holiday in Croatia 2011 - wonder who's holding the camera...?

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