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Autumn destinations and favourite foods on holiday


It's time for this week's travel news! Today's topics include autumn's most popular destinations and Swedes' favourite foods on holiday. As usual, we would like to hear your thoughts and reflections on the news!


Autumn's most popular destinations

According to a press release from Resia, the USA is back on the top list of popular travel destinations, after the summer's dip. Krakow account for the largest increase among cities, with Turkey and Egypt are back as hot travel destinations. Here are the most booked flights departing in October or November 2019:

  1. Miami
  2. London
  3. New York
  4. Rome
  5. Malaga
Rome is one of the most popular destinations this autumn

When Swedes book last-minute holidays

According to a new survey by sun holiday specialist, seven out of ten Swedes have booked a last-minute holiday at some point. Here are the most common occasions when Swedes book last minute holidays:

  1. When a last-minute trip is super cheap
  2. When the weather is bad at home during a holiday
  3. When I get extra money (tax refund, bonus, etc.)
  4. I always book last minute trips, no matter what the circumstances are.
  5. When I am inspired by friends' photos on social media
Drepanos beach

Swedes' favourite food on holiday

A new survey from reveals Swedes' food preferences on their sunshine holidays. It turns out that grilled fish and seafood is the big favourite among Swedish travellers. Pizza only comes in sixth place. This is what Swedes prefer to eat on their sun holiday:

  1. Grilled fish/seafood
  2. Greek salad
  3. Tapas
  4. Pasta
  5. Souvlaki

Increased interest in cycling tourism

Travelling by bicycle is a growing trend, according to a study by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI). According to a study by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), the report points out the lack of major coherent cycle paths, the need for improved standards and the limited opportunities to take a bicycle on public transport. In Europe, cycling tourism is at its peak in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and countries like Croatia and Greece is now focusing on developing cycle tourism.


The largest environmental zones in Europe

The Green-Zones portal has compiled the main European environmental zones, based on their north-south and east-west extent. You can read more about Green Zones at

  1. Lower Austria, Austria (20.6km)2)
  2. Gironde Bordeaux, France (19.2km)2)
  3. Isere Grenoble, France (16.5km)2)
  4. Cote de Or Dijon, France (13.6 km)2)
  5. Pyrenes Atantiques, France (13.4 km)2)

Where most Swedes need help on summer holiday

In total, almost 6,500 Swedes needed help from SOS International's alarm centre when travelling abroad in June and July. The most common reasons for seeking help are tourist stomach, cystitis and other infections. SOS International emphasises that you should be aware that the blue card is not valid in Turkey. This is where most Swedes have sought help:

  1. Spain
  2. Turkey
  3. Greece
  4. USA
  5. Cyprus
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