
Today we present a guest post by Linn Wilke


No matter where you are travelling in the world, it can put a huge strain on your bank account. That's why you need to plan and save in time to make sure you have enough money for your dream holiday. Although this seems like a big challenge, it can actually be easier than you think. There are some budgeting tools to use and other valuable strategies to make your travel savings account grow. We list some of our favourite tips here. 

Open a separate savings account 

The more money you put aside, the faster your holiday can become a reality. One tip is therefore to open a separate savings account dedicated to your future trip. You can also set the account to automatically transfer money from your main account to the travel savings account. This saves you from having to spend your time manually making a transfer every month. The more money you put into the account, the sooner you can start travelling! 

Set realistic goals 

When saving for your dream trip, it's important to set realistic goals so that you don't feel like you're sacrificing everything to fund your dreams. It's important that you only break unhealthy habits - like the coffee on the way to work or the gym membership you never use - but not the habits that include seeing your friends or family. Think long-term and set realistic goals! 

Look for good deals 

If you haven't decided on a specific route for your dream holiday, it's a good idea to explore the offers available from airlines and other travel companies. Sometimes you can find very cheap last-minute deals or if you book tickets far in advance. In any case, there is always an offer to take advantage of and is especially recommended for those whose travel plans are relatively free! 

If you want to borrow - compare different loans

Borrowing money obviously carries a lot of risk, and if you want to borrow, it's important to do so responsibly and find a loan with decent terms. A loan doesn't only have to be used to finance a house or a car, but can also be used to fund your dream trip. The loans you are looking for to finance a trip or similar are usually quick loans. As the name suggests, the point of these is that they are quick to apply for and get the loan approved. You can see an overview of instant loans here and choose one that best suits you and your dreams. 

Remember why you are doing this 

Saving for your dream holiday can sometimes make you desperate, especially in these pandemic times we are living in now. Therefore, it is important to remember why you are saving for your future holiday and not to give up. It may take a little time, but when you're lying there on the beach or standing on the mountain you climbed, you'll realise that it was worth all that time. Travelling is living! 

This post is a guest post. Please note that any opinions expressed in the article are those of the author.

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