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With warm greetings from Uzbekistan


Here is a little postcard from Uzbekistan. We are currently in the mythical city of Samarkand, and our days are filled with experiences from morning to night. More detailed reports will come when we are back home. In the meantime, here's a greeting from Uzbekistan.


Our trip to Uzbekistan

We were able to travel to Uzbekistan because the UNWTO (United Nations World Tourism Organisation) is holding its 25th World Assembly, and this time the conference is being held in Uzbekistan. Samarkand. We were invited to attend as press, and were welcomed on board a chartered plane from Madrid, together with conference participants from all over the world.

So we flew Stockholm - Madrid - Samarkand, which is not the fastest route. If you are thinking of visiting Uzbekistan on occasion, a faster option might be to travel via Istanbul.

In Madrid, ready to board Uzbekistan Air.

When we landed in Samarkand, we were exhausted after a long journey and had no idea what to expect. Our trip had been planned at the last minute, and we had barely had time to get any information. Would anyone even meet us at the airport?

Yes, we were greeted by a guide, interpreter, driver, a large bunch of flowers, an envelope with a local sim card, traditional music with wind instruments and interviewers from a local TV channel who wanted to know our expectations. Slightly dizzying ...

25 UNWTO General Assembly

The conference 25 UNWTO This year's General Assembly brings together participants from 135 countries, and many important issues related to tourism in the world are being discussed. We attended the first day, from the press room, and we will tell you more soon.

As well as discussing important topics, the conference, held in brand new and stunningly beautiful conference facilities, provides an opportunity to mingle with both tourism operators and travel writers from around the world.

A greeting from Uzbekistan - some impressions

After the first day of the conference, we focus on seeing and experiencing Samarkand, and surrounding places in Uzbekistan. We will tell you much more in time, but we can start by sharing some impressions.

Dimensions is fantastic! Often many dishes are served. They range from salads and soups to dumplings, beef, pastries and fruit.

History and architecture there are plenty of them. We have seen some of the most visited sights in Samarkand such as Registanbut there is much, much more, both here and elsewhere in the country.

Crafts are also plentiful. You can see and buy ceramics, silk and clothes.

Music and dance is also popular. In these few days we have already seen a wide range of music and dance performances.

More on Uzbekistan

Uzbekistan has pleasantly surprised us and we look forward to experiencing more. There will soon be more and fuller reports here on In the meantime, you can, if you wish, follow us on Instagram. There we update every day from the trip, both with pictures and "stories" (events). You can find us on Instagram here: @freedomtravelnews

All our top tips for Uzbekistan. Click on the image!

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