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Bloggers live perfect lives... or do they?


The homes of bloggers are always tidy, the decor is well-matched and the food is beautifully presented... right? Annika, who runs the blog Yesterday you said tomorrow, has managed to capture with two really good pictures how something can look in reality and how it can be presented on the blog.


Why do we do this?

Check out Annika's post here. The question is why we do this? From time to time you read articles where it is claimed that in the blog world, and on Facebook, people want to build up an image of themselves that is a little better than reality, and then get confirmation for it. And that can certainly be true to some extent. But I think there are other explanations as well.

Capturing the positive

Like wanting to capture what is beautiful, positive and fun. Life is full of problems to be solved and difficult, less glamorous tasks. The blog can be a breathing space where you can let go of the daily grind and focus on something you're interested in and passionate about, like interior design, food or travelling.

The most difficult situations in life can also feel far too private to blog about. How do those of you who have blogs reason? And if you "only" read blogs, are you bothered by the fact that it seems a little too perfect sometimes?

resa med migrän
Sometimes things aren't perfect ... can you blog about having a migraine?

Provocative with all this happiness?

Many blogs you read are very happy. For example, many blogs are filled with beautiful flowers, exotic foods, cute animals and romantic sunsets. The people behind the blogs probably have personal problems just like everyone else, but you rarely need to read about them. According to an article in SvD, provocation was big in the early days of blogging, but now it's all about kindness and happiness.

Can't it be provocative that people seem so happy and perfect all the time? Are people really genuine behind the blogs? We try to be personal and honest, but at the same time it's about a selected part of life: motorhomes, camping, travelling and leisure. Other things in life, such as work, finances, health, relationships, children and family, get a rather marginal space on our blog. And that's how it should be. Or how do you reason?


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