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Insurance on long journeys


Are you travelling for a long time and wondering how insurance works on a long trip? We're about to embark on a six-month trip in Europe with our motorhome and have started looking into insurance. Here you can see what we've come up with. Of course, we'd love to hear your views and experiences!


Insurance for property at home

If you leave your house or apartment at home, it is of course important to have this insured! Since we have a houseboat, we have boat insurance. We also have home insurance. The latter we have with If, because it is the only company (what we could find) that offers home insurance when living in a houseboat. Regardless of the company, it is of course important to check what is covered by the insurance!

Insurance on long journeys - Persons

Home insurance usually provides travel insurance for 45 days. After that, you can take out additional travel insurance, but this is usually extremely expensive.

The cheapest option we found was backpacker insurance (people under 40) or travel insurance plus (people over 40) with Solid Försäkringar. If you pay for a trip with a credit card, you may also have insurance through it, but this does not apply when travelling with a motorhome.

As we are travelling in Europe, we believe we will be able to get by on the European Health Insurance Card alone (available free of charge from Social Security Agency) in combination with regular accident insurance. The only thing we know we are missing out on is ambulance transport home, which you can only get if you have travel insurance.

Insurance on a long journey - Vehicles

If you are travelling by car or motorhome, you also need to have the vehicle insured. We have motorhome insurance, and have checked that it is valid in the countries we are travelling in.

We also have Roadside Assistance, so we can get help if the car breaks down and gets stuck on the road somewhere. We have both these insurance policies with Motormännen, but there are of course other insurance companies that offer these services as well.

Försäkring på långresan

Read more about insurance and what it might be like to have an accident. accident while travelling, with the blogger 4000 miles.

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