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The big blogger behind "Trendenser" at Stora Nolia


Today, Frida Ramstedt, who runs the popular interior design blog Trendenser, was a guest at the Stora Nolia fair. We listened to Frida's interesting lecture, and then had the opportunity to ask four quick questions about travelling.


The "Trends" interior design blog

Frida Ramstedt started the interior design blog. Trendsetter 2005, and today the blog has about 200 000 (!) unique visitors per month. On Instagram, Trendenser also has 96,000 followers.

Frida has been blogging full-time since 2011 and started the lecture by explaining how professional bloggers make a living, as she is often asked this question. She explained by showing readership statistics for several of Sweden's leading interior design magazines (not so impressive in comparison) and pointed out that no one ever questions how these magazines make ends meet. Of course, just like the magazines, she has adverts on her blog.

Lecture at Stora Nolia

Frida gave a one-hour lecture at the fair. Great Nolia on how to think when decorating in terms of proportion and colour, among other things. She said that interior design is not just about constantly buying the latest trends, but about finding your own style and buying "the right thing". After the lecture, three lucky winners also received personalised interior design advice.

Four quick questions for Frida Ramstedt

After the lecture, we had the opportunity to ask Frida Ramstedt four quick questions, and of course we wanted to ask her about travelling:

What is your favourite destination in Sweden?

If I can't choose Norrland, where I come from, I choose Österlen. I like it there and as a northerner I think it's nice that the distances between all places are so short.

What is your favourite destination in the world?

Then I say Shanghai, where I studied. It's a bit of a messy city, so you might not come back again and again, but it's a city with a pulse. Just as many people go to New York, I think you can go to Shanghai!

How do you prefer to travel?

I love travelling by train!

Which is your dream destination?

The lavender fields in France.


Top photo: Helena and Frida Ramstedt

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