We are on our third day at the Stora Nolia fair in Piteå and we can only conclude - this is the fair where you can find... all.
Table of contents
Everything from lapel pins to excavators
We've heard many times that you can find "everything from pins to excavators" at Stora Nolia, and it's true. We have previously checked out the area with mobile homes and the hall with food and drink. You can also find things like furniture, gardening products, clothing, design, outdoor equipment and well... most things really.

Vehicles and toys for men
If you're a fan of powerful vehicles, there's plenty to see at Stora Nolia, from sports cars and scooters to tractors and ride-on mowers. Here is a small, small selection of everything there is to look at. As my expertise in this area is limited, I'm mainly offering photos. But as you can see, the gentlemen were happily posing by various vehicles ...

Finding friends ... and getting lost
Apart from finding lots of stuff at a fair like this, you can also meet old and new friends. The other day we met up with our blogging friends Dessan and Kjell and today we met another blog friend - namely Henny who writes the nice blog Unsorted.
We had a nice chat and we will surely meet again tomorrow. That's when Henny will participate in "Gör om mig" and get a completely new style with the help of hairdresser and make-up artist Eva-Lena Rylander and stylist and costume designer Hedvig Andér, both of whom are known from TV. The result will be shown on stage and it will of course be exciting!

Great Nolia
One aspect of the big Nolia is that there are a lot of different products to buy. If you live in a big city, the range of what you might be interested in is minimised, and if you're not an outdoor person, don't go there.

Goatfish says:
Yes, you - apparently you can find most things here 😀.
How wonderful to be part of "Make me" - I have always dreamed of it 😉 Although Henny is already beautiful 😀.
Have a good time and don't get lost 😉
08 August 2016 - 17:21
Snows says:
But what the camel was doing there, I don't understand! Wild animals are not suitable for fairs... A wildlife centre sounds like a very clever idea for both young and old 😉.
08 August 2016 - 17:38
Lennart says:
Fun with blog friends!
08 August 2016 - 18:38
Matts Torebring says:
What a fair! You've tempted me enough to make me want to go there.
08 August 2016 - 20:03
Role o Carina says:
Looks like a nice fair up north!
Take care......
08 August 2016 - 20:05
Cat's Considerations says:
Fun with Blog friends. Nice jacket by the way!
08 August 2016 - 20:22
BP says:
Vilsecentral - it was funny, really clever:-)
And a snuff corner as well. I wonder if there was a cigar corner too, but I don't think so;-)
08 August 2016 - 20:55
BP says:
Yes, even the camel. The company is known for its horses according to the website. The camel was perhaps intended as a teaser or food on a plate;-)
08 August 2016 - 20:59
admin says:
Geddfish, Remake me seems exciting to me! Even if you do not in any way "need" it, it is a bit fun to see what they come up with! 😉
Znogge, but camels are often domesticated animals, aren't they? However, I don't know much about camels...
Lennart, of course it is!
Matts, yes there is clearly a lot here! 🙂
Rolle and Carina, it's a fun fair because it's so big and so diverse!
Katta, thank you, I'm glad you like the jacket!
BP, I also liked the rest centre! No, we didn't see a cigarette corner... 😉 Glad you checked out the company with the camel! Small children were allowed to sit on its back, but as long as we watched, it just lay on the ground...
08 August 2016 - 21:56
KajsaLisa says:
A camel so far north, seems to have come a little wrong 🙂 But the picture was good.
09 August 2016 - 1:28
admin says:
Kajsalisa, no, that's not exactly the camel's natural habitat ... 😉.
09 August 2016 - 8:46
Ama de casa says:
You hit the camel, right? Might be good to have 🙂 .
09 August 2016 - 9:33
Ditte says:
There is certainly a lot to look at.
But it is a long journey.
I think it is very nice to come here through you and you give a good picture of the fair in words and pictures.
Thank you for that!
And, of course, it's nice to meet blogging friends.
09 August 2016 - 10:01
Deciree says:
It was really great to meet you too:) Exciting with redoing me. It will be fun to see the result of it :)) Hugs
09 August 2016 - 20:55
Carola says:
You MUST come by the stand I work in!
I would like to meet you.
Hall 8 stand 933.
09 August 2016 - 22:30
admin says:
Ama de casa, we could have it on deck maybe? Fresh camel milk every morning 😉
Ditte, yes, it is a long journey! But every other year the fair is in Umeå, so then it is a little closer 😉.
Deciree, it was nice to see Do about me and now we have managed to write a post about it too 🙂 .
Carola, oh, yes, we have to do that! We're coming!
10 August 2016 - 9:20
Mr Steve says:
There is a lot of variety in the programme at Nolia.
A new haircut and a new style can work wonders. I sometimes watch 'Trinny and Susannah re-style'.
Henny is an honest 77-year-old, I must say.
10 August 2016 - 10:48
Preciosa says:
Thank you for looking/commenting on my blog! Nice to see what you're up to as well 🙂 !
Hugs P ♥
14 August 2016 - 13:01
Maria's Memoirs says:
So unexpected with camels, haha 🙂 🙂
14 August 2016 - 20:22