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7 activities at Vildmarksmässan and Båtmässan


FREEDOMtravel tests! Yesterday when we went to the fairs, Peter packed both trainers and swimming trunks. "What on earth are you going to do?", I thought. "Testing stuff!" was the answer. Said and done, FREEDOMtravel has now tested 7 activities at the Vildmarksmässan and Allt för sjön fairs. One of the activities caught Peter's eye really hard for. Do you want to try these activities too? The fairs are open today (last day) until 18:00.


1. SUP (Stand Up Paddle boarding)

In summer we see them all the time outside our houseboat. It looks pretty simple as they paddle by without a care in the world. But how easy is it really? Peter tried a SUP from, but there are of course many different sellers and renters. Peter's judgement: Calm but wobbly!

Stand up Paddle boarding
Pretty wobbly when you're a beginner!

2. tramping kayak

Alligator 10 also comes from and is described as a solid kayak that you can fish or hunt from. On the website they write "Drop the paddle, pedal forward and become one with your ALLIGATOR!". Peter's judgement: Fast to pedal forward, but a little difficult to steer straight.

Faster than paddle boarding perhaps?

3. pedalboard

A board that you pedal forward, could that be something? You can enjoy the water and get some "free exercise" while pedalling. This one comes from the company Hobie cat.  Peter's judgement: Fun to try, but a bit wobbly.

Pedal board
Instead of a stair climber, perhaps?

4. slackline

Slack line

Ok, now it was my turn to try something! The company Gibbon Slacklines shows slack lines that you can balance on (or use for tricks or fitness according to the brochure). Helena's assessment: Fun to try different activities at the wildlife fair but this is harder than it looks!

5. Sagittarius

You can try shooting at the Jägareförbundet in Stockholm. You can choose to try to hit deer or wild boar walking by on a canvas, and Peter chose to target wild boar. Peter's judgement: Great fun! A challenge!

Peter met all the wild boars

6. climbing


The climbing centre is on site with two climbing walls, and of course Peter wanted to try it!

It's mostly children who try it, but when I asked if there were others of Peter's age who usually try it, I was told that he was far from the oldest. On Friday, a 78-year-old gentleman took the test and it apparently went very well! Peter's judgement: Fun, but harder than you think to get the hang of.

7. diving

Last but not least, Peter wanted to try diving at Fantasea Diving! This was the only activity that you both need to book a time for (we had to wait for two hours) and pay extra for (95 SEK). You can borrow both swimwear and wetsuit and then you get instructions and help. Peter quickly disappeared under the water like a fish and did not want to come up ... Immediately afterwards he booked lessons to take a diving licence! Peter's judgement: Wow, what fun! I want to do this more!!!

Aktiviteter på Vildmarksmässan
In a moment he disappears ... and then he won't come up!

In addition to all the activities at the Wilderness Fair: The Water Change Blog

Last but not least, we have to tell you which blogger we met at the Vildmarksmässan! Angeliqa Mejstedt is the blogger behind the successful outdoor blog. The hiking blog, which offers inspiration, tips and a community for those who also want to get out and hike. We interviewed Angeliqa on hiking last year, and now it was super fun to also meet for real!

Angeliqa från Vandringsbloggen
Angeliqa and Helena at the Hiking Blog stand.

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