The best thing in Kassandra is the people and the joy. I (Peter) have not been anywhere else in Greece, but I am still happy after travelling in Kassandra. The common denominator is food, wine and dancing. I got three nights and two days in Kassandra and it was really 100 % full speed. Here is also my film about joy.
Table of contents
Boat trip
I have previously written about 5 great restaurants in Kassandra and if Cassandra - Greek RivieraSo now it's time to tell you about our boat trip. What hours we had on the sea with so much joy, friendship, dancing, wine and good food. Being on a big boat with live music and the sun on your face is really a hit!

The best of Cassandra
In two days we did a lot but there is much more to see. I think and hope that we go there again in spring, so I can add to my list of all the best things in Cassandra. What they can do in Greece is being able to enjoy and let go in the same second.
I think we Swedes are a bit restrictive and feel the situation first, waiting to let go of the lifeline. I'm the model that dances to the music I recognise instead of just letting go and living.

Don't forget to watch my video about joy.
Who are you?
Are you a typical Swede who holds back or do you take the opportunity to live it up?

Ama de casa says:
What a lovely boat trip and wonderfully cheerful film 🙂 !
I'm probably - unfortunately - typically Swedishly restrained. When it comes to dancing, I don't have two left feet, no way. I only have one left foot, but unfortunately the right one is somehow missing... Haha! 🙂
Have a nice Saturday!
23 September 2017 - 10:04
Peter says:
Thank you very much! I hope you have a great evening too, and of course I'm glad you enjoyed the film. I went in to convey something funny in the film and I danced with the others who didn't come out because I was holding the camera. Next time...
23 September 2017 - 18:57
Snows says:
For many, it's just the Greek islands, but having been to Kalamata and Parga, I know there's much more to see!
23 September 2017 - 10:20
Peter says:
We will see if they are as happy in other places. It's a bit different in Sweden too about how we are. We will see.
23 September 2017 - 18:58
Ruth in Virginia says:
Now, THERE you have a cruise I like !!!! 🙂
Jesus, Amalia, what fun! I should have been going all the time.
There will be no nonsense here! And to make a fool of myself, I have never
have been afraid of. Occasionally we would go to a Greek restaurant in Calif.
and it was ring dancing. I love dancing.
Saw the film "Zorba the Greek" several times.
23 September 2017 - 10:33
Peter says:
I'm glad you liked my joy because that's what I got. I am still happy several days after coming home. Fantastic people who conveyed happiness. I have to take Helena there this spring.
23 September 2017 - 18:59
Mr Steve says:
Three nights and two days. You really make the most of your time.
Thank you for another wonderful film. Lovely to start my day with a moment in Greece.
Basically, I am probably a "typical Swede" without always holding back. In the "right company" I live it up?
23 September 2017 - 11:30
Peter says:
I am happy to share that joy with you and the people who made my days so great. I think we thank them.
23 September 2017 - 19:01
Role o Carina says:
Greece is just so lovely to tour in!
The film was real joy there 🙂
Take care....
23 September 2017 - 13:04
Peter says:
I will think even more about joy next time we travel, and I have lots of things I want to do with a camera. There is so much mischief in me and it needs to come out, haha.
23 September 2017 - 19:02
Ditte says:
Joy in life is important and so is laughing a lot. And to find and create joy wherever you are at the moment.
I think Norwegians and Danes are more "happy" than Swedes are (a generalisation ....).
Great boat trip.
Nice to see your film. Have been out in the Turkish, Croatian and Greek archipelago with a similar sailing vessel for a week when we sailed and it was also very joyful.
23 September 2017 - 15:11
Peter says:
I agree with you Ditte. we need to feel the atmosphere a bit before we relax. Maybe we need more Greeks in Sweden, haha. Great that you liked the film and more to come with lots of madness.
23 September 2017 - 19:04
Husis blog says:
The owners really like Kassandra and will give this destination as a suggestion as the male owner's mum has a birthday.
Otherwise, there is a big difference between my owners. The female owner's probably lets loose much more than the male one who is so typically Swedish.
23 September 2017 - 17:23
Peter says:
Haha. If you are going to Kassandra, let me know because I can arrange a few things for you. The male owner may need some Ozo beforehand so maybe he can get started.
23 September 2017 - 19:06
BP says:
What a wonderful "happy film":-) In southern Europe, people are much more spontaneous than here at home, which probably has to do with the climate;-)
By the way, now I know why the local Greek here always has Greek music in the background;-)
I'm really quite spontaneous, and not afraid to make a fool of myself, but dancing is not my thing. Disco in the 1980s where "free dancing" was all right, but otherwise I'm probably an "AMA type";-)
23 September 2017 - 18:24
Peter says:
I'm glad I was able to share some smiles this Saturday morning, and that was my point. I'm still practicing to get really good at film. By the end of 2018 I should be able to make good films is my idea. Now I know that the left leg prevails for you too, Haha!
23 September 2017 - 19:08
Maya Nordlund says:
What an incredibly lovely boat trip you seem to have had - with incredibly lovely people! The film does its job, you really get happy with all the dancing (and the sea)! I myself am probably a middle ground; can let go sometimes, but sometimes the original Swede creeps up on me and wants to feel the situation first, just as you write. You should learn that courage, initiative and letting go doesn't hurt!
26 September 2017 - 22:43
Lena - good for the soul says:
Well, I'm probably not typically Swedish. I like to dance and let loose in a full dance, haha. But I would probably not stand alone on a dance floor while everyone was sitting around clapping. 🙂
Hug Lena
28 September 2017 - 19:42