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Winter in Pampas marina in Solna


Now we have winter here in Pampas Marina in Solna. Well, not just here of course, but this is where we notice it the most. In the central parts of Stockholm, the cars and houses melt the snow to some extent, but here, here it is white and beautiful.


Winter at last

We like winter and snow. At least I, Helena, do. Peter is perhaps a little more difficult to flirt with, but if the sun is shining and the snow is white, then he probably melts too. Zero degrees and wind on the other hand, huh so terrible! Right now the snow is still on the ground in Stockholm. With us, in Pampas Marina in Solnathere is no problem. In the most central parts of the city it melts faster, because of all the houses, cars and people.

View from the houseboat

The top picture in this post was taken from the kitchen window of the houseboat the day before yesterday morning. I got up to make breakfast and was greeted by ... that. I couldn't resist taking the picture. The picture is taken straight through the kitchen window. Minutes later, one of the marina's boats pulled up.

The walking route to work

If you follow our blog, you know that I (Helena) walk to work every day, and that Peter usually walks with me. The road goes past Karlbergssjön and is quite nice, and right now it is even nicer than usual. Here are some pictures from the first part of the walk.

Do you have snow where you live now? Do you like snow, or are you a pure "summer person"?

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