
Today we present a guest post by Finanso


Right now, the majority of people in Sweden want nothing more than to start travelling again. However, many of us feel a certain amount of uncertainty, as leisure travel is still discouraged. Whether you are the person who has already packed your bag, or the person who is waiting until next year, travelling requires money! With a little help and savings tips, you can plan the best family holiday ever - without breaking the bank!

Start saving money now

There's nothing strange about not having the money right now to cover a trip abroad - it's just human nature. But if you and your family start saving money now, it may be enough. One idea is to open a savings account where you put money in every month for the trip (the kids can help with some allowance), and eventually you'll see that it can cover the hotel nights at least. This can also be a fun activity for the kids, and a way for them to learn more about saving.

Trying to get an extra income

Maybe you and your partner both work full-time, but at the end of the month this doesn't help because you have to pay off the house and car loan and regular household expenses. Of course, you don't want to ask your children to help out, other than maybe contributing some of their allowance. But don't worry! There are other ways to thicken your wallet besides saving tips!

You've probably heard about it before, but may not have had the courage to invest in shares. But that trade in shares can actually be a great way to increase your personal capital - and everyone can start with shares!

Get an overview of your spending and find ways to save money.

It may sound obvious, but it's easier to limit your spending when you know what you're spending money on. Ask your children to help you write down your expenses and look for patterns. Do you always eat pizza on Fridays? Maybe you should start cooking together instead and save this expense. You'll be surprised how much money you can save by not buying sweets so often. Inspect your finances and reprioritise them, so you can finally afford to go on your dream holiday together!

Book your trip in time!

Even though you may not be planning to travel until winter or next year, it's a good idea to book your trip now! This will ensure you get the best deal at the cheapest price. By booking the flight so far in advance, you save a lot of money, but it also gives you the opportunity to start looking for good hotel deals now.

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