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We wish you a very nice midsummer!


We wish you a very nice midsummer! For our part, we will celebrate the holiday in the Czech Republic, but there may not be so much classic "celebration". However, we are enjoying the fantastic nature in the northern part of this country! How do you celebrate?


Wonderful nature experiences in the Czech Republic

We're in the north of the Czech Republic, enjoying the amazing nature here. We hike, cycle, paddle and check out dramatic rock formations. Some cool historical castles too!

We are a bit behind in reporting, but we have at least told you about the excursion to the top of Mt. Czech Republic's highest mountain Sněžka. It was a great trip!

Young people paddle a rubber boat in northern Czech Republic

Meeting with a Swedish family

When we were at a campsite, Camp Sedmihorky in Bohemian Paradise, a Swedish family came and knocked on the door. Then we spent the evening with them! They had just rolled into the Czech Republic, where they will spend part of their holiday.

We almost always work in the evenings, so it was great to just sit and chat one evening and have a good time! We wish the family a continued really nice trip in this wonderful country!

Best this week

Best this week? Well, it is of course all the wonderful nature experiences here in the Czech Republic. We like to discover cities, but after visiting many cities for a long time, we feel that it is very nice to stay in nature. And you ... what has been the best part of your week?

Czech forests are packed with blueberries at the moment

We wish you a Happy Midsummer!

We now want to take the opportunity to wish you a really Happy Midsummer! For our part, we have planned to celebrate the day with a hiking trip and then some wellness and a restaurant visit. It will not be stupid! How do you celebrate?

The week ahead

In the coming week we will continue our journey in the Czech Republic. Here at you can expect continued Czech Republic reports, interspersed with some guest posts (we have an interesting one in the pipeline, focusing on beer and an exciting European country!)

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the We've rolled into the Czech Republic - new adventures ahead

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