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We've rolled into the Czech Republic - new adventures ahead


We have rolled into the Czech Republic! It's been great travelling in Germany (and we'll be back there again) but now we're looking forward to variety. The Czech Republic is one of our favourite countries, and now we plan to discover new places for us.


From Germany to the Czech Republic

We drove from Würzburg to Bamberg and further to Bayreuth. All of these places are amazing, and we've seen a lot, but we'll be back with more reports later this year. For now, you want to go to the Czech Republic, don't you?

On the way to the Czech Republic we found a nice pitch in Vohenstrauss. I found the site on the CamperContact app, but when we got here we recognised ourselves. We have been here before! The place is super nice and also the service is free, even electricity. Absolutely fantastic!

Motorhomes in the Vohenstrauss car park

New country - new products in the shops

Then it was time to change countries! We've spent so much time in Germany now that it almost feels like home. We have started to learn more words and have become accustomed to the range of products in the supermarkets. Coming to a grocery store in the Czech Republic suddenly felt a bit "exotic", even though we have travelled a lot in the Czech Republic as well. Here we found, among other things, traditional spa biscuits (Colonnada Oblaty) from Marianske Lazne!

Here we also found beer model larger, in long rows.

And ... "camping salad"! Wonder if it's something for campers?

Camping in Hradec Králové

In the Czech Republic we stayed at the campsite "Kemp Stříbrný Rybník", which is a really nice place. We will tell you more soon! Here we got the chance to experience both city and nature, and also took the opportunity to rent bikes.

The "Rock for People" festival

We also went to a rock festival! Just when we were in Hradec Králové, there was a big rock festival there, "Rock for People", so we took the opportunity to hang out there one evening. What a start to the Czech Republic trip!

By the way, we took the rental bikes to the festival, and when we came back we discovered to our horror that we had lost the keys to the lock. The next day we went to the bike rental shop at the campsite and apologised (and were prepared to replace the lock) ... but then the girl at the bike rental shop discovered that the keys were stuck just above one of the front wheels. It had hung there for 7 kilometres home from the festival. Sometimes you have to be lucky!

Best this week

The best part of this week is all the great places we saw in Germany. and that we have arrived in the Czech Republic. We had time to tell you about the beautiful residence in Würzburgbut will have to come back to you about the rest of the city, and other things we saw on the way to the Czech Republic.

Now it's your turn ... What has been the best part of your week?

Beautiful Würzburg in Germany

The week ahead

During the coming week, it will be the Czech Republic for the whole thing, with a great focus on nature experiences! Maybe the posts are also alternated with some guest posts, but mostly it will be the Czech Republic. Hope you follow along!

By bike hire in the Czech Republic

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