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Everyday life and dreams of dream holidays


Right now, everyday life feels a little January grey, but you can still dream of dream trips! Here are some thoughts and photos from our week. Wishing you a really nice Friday and weekend!


Dreaming about dream holidays

Right now it feels like our Instagram and Facebook feeds are flooded with photos and film clips from friends, acquaintances and bloggers in exotic destinations. We see constant updates from Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, South Africa, Seychelles, Mauritius and other exciting places. It seems that the trend of "dream holidays" is really here!

Have you experienced the same thing, with people you know posting updates from Asia or Africa? Or maybe you are even travelling a long distance yourself?

It may also be that we notice these updates a little extra as we ourselves are planning for our long trip to the Philippines. This weekend we will write and tell you more about the preparations!

Old picture from a dream destination - Zanzibar!

Walks (and errands)

We ourselves are currently at home in Stockholm. Right now it is everyday life, with work at the computers, meetings and daily walks. There has also been a lot of business related to our long journey, but as I said, we will tell you more about that soon.

In the meantime, here are some photos from two of our favourite walking spots: Stockholm seen from Karlberg Castle, and Karlberg Castle seen from the opposite side.

TV series and fruit gluttony

We also try to work on better routines with good food, more vegetables and fruit, less alcohol and careful exercise. That should make you super fit, right? Strangely enough, we are rather super tired ... We'll see when it stops!

In the evenings we are currently watching TV series (and eating fruit). We have just watched the Swedish series "Heder" which, apart from being entertaining, was a bit funny because many scenes are filmed in our neighbourhood. Several scenes took place, for example, at our subway station (Västra skogen) as well as in Pampas marina, where we live. And yes, even our houseboat was spotted!

Best this week

The best part of this week? It's probably that things are starting to get organised with various preparations for the trip to the Philippines!

Your turn... What can you highlight as positive from the week?

The week ahead

During the coming week we will continue to hang out in Stockholm. We have an event booked and then a trip to Vorarlberg in Austria is approaching. Here at, we will talk about some of the fantastic sights we visited in Germany last summer. Hope you join us!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Lebanese, New Year celebrations and ... hello everyday!

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