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Lebanese, New Year celebrations and ... hello everyday!


Happy Friday! Hope the new year has started well for you. We started with a cold and a stomach bug, but now we're trying to recharge our batteries for an exciting new year!


Lebanese dinner

Just before New Year, we had dinner at the Lebanese restaurant Lebanon Meza Lounge in Stockholm with Peter's eldest son Robin and his wife Alexandra, and his friend and clothing designer Feyo (who runs the Taracci store on Gamla Brogatan) and his wife. So nice and fun to meet! In addition love we have Lebanese food. I mean, is there anything better?

When we had a drink at the Grand Hotel afterwards, an American guest came up and praised Peter's coat. It was nice to be able to introduce the designer of the coat, who was in the party." (here you can see the coat and here you can read more about Taracci - don't miss his shop if you like stylish men's clothes).

New Year celebrations

Then it was soon time for the next party, namely New Year's Eve. We celebrated the new year together with our friends Lennart and Beata, at their apartment. A previous year we went all in and served ourselves a New Year's menu with 8 small dishes.

When serving so many dishes, it is really important to make the dishes small and since we (obviously) are not super good at it, we took it a little slower this time. There were five dishes and very good!

  • oyster
  • Salmon salad with mango and avocado
  • Lobster gratin with mashed potatoes
  • Rib steak 
  • Chocolate cake

After feasting comes ... fasting?

The new year has begun with much less partying, we can say. I (Helena) have been both cold and stomach sick, so there has been some involuntary fasting.

Now we feel better, but we feel we need a period of everyday life with good food, careful exercise and a break from parties and alcohol. Nope, no New Year's resolutions here - just a little need to find power and energy!

Apart from walks, we have mostly been at home during the week, and here are two photos from our deck view, both taken this week.

Best this week

Best thing about this week? It was of course really fun to see family and friends before and during New Year, but now it's also a bit nice to rest and get back to a slightly more healthy everyday life. Sometimes it can be that simple! What has your week been like, and what can you highlight as positive from the week?

The week ahead

Here's another week focusing on rest, good food, walking and gentle exercise. On, we'll have a mix of content - food in a southern European country, a different attraction in central Europe and budget tips for an Asian country that is usually considered exclusive. Plus, we'll probably have time to tell you about our upcoming travel plans!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Stopovers, intermediate days and Topnine 2022

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