Moulding and backing beam

kr299,00 - kr599,00

Making any size cake is easy with our moulding and baking beam. A unique baking tool, designed together with confectionery artisans. The adjustable beams are a practical baking tool that helps you delineate a surface to the desired size. Perfect for making confectionery but equally good for baking and moulding chocolate.


Place the moulding and backing bars on a flat sheet of baking paper and adjust the four sides to the desired dimensions. They are 2 cm high and there are longitudinal and top edge markings every half centimetre. The markings on the beams make it easy to divide the pastry, for example. Moulding and baking beam, sold in sets of four beams. The maximum dimensions of the long beams are 30×30 cm and the short ones 15×15 cm. Both lengths can be combined.

Do you like to bake? Also check out our baking sheet and our baking mat Pro Edition XL.

Facts and figures

  • 100 % food grade silicone. Free from phthalates and bisphenol A (BPA-free).
  • -50°C to +230°C
  • Freezer, oven and microwave safe
  • Machine washable
  • Colour: grey
  • Size: adjustable but maximum 15×15 cm or 30×30 cm.
  • Manufacturer: Pufz

Volume examples for the moulding and rear beams

Here are calculated volumes for a number of settings on the moulding and backing beams. The large moulding beam can be adjusted/sliding together to match even the small sizes, but this means that the ends protrude very much and the mould takes up a lot of space. This is why the shorter beams are also available.

The volumes below refer to the beam being filled up to the edge, i.e. 2 cm "thick". If you only want to fill them halfway, you can only fit half the volume in the list below.

For the following sizes, we recommend a 15×15 cm moulding and backing beam:

  • 10x15x2 cm = 3 dl
  • 15x15x2 cm = 4.5 dl, the maximum size for the "small" moulding beams.

For the following sizes, a combination of casting and backing beam 15×15 cm and 30×30 cm is recommended:

  • 15x20x2 cm = 6 dl
  • 15x30x2 cm = 9 dl, basically the same area as a normal sized springform pan with a diameter of 24 cm.

For the following sizes you need a moulding and backing beam 30×30 cm:

  • 20x20x2 = 8 dl
  • 20x30x2 = 12 dl
  • 30x30x2 cm = 18 dl, this size is perfect for making rolled cakes.

Additional information


15×15, 30×30


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