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Ardeche in France - and the Pont d'Arc


In the Ardeche region of France, you'll find unparalleled scenery with a dramatic canyon, a long river with crystal clear water and intensely green forests. There are also lots of deep caves, some of which are home to 36,000-year-old paintings. We tried gliding down the long river in a canoe and fell in love. We want to go back!

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Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume and the tomb of Mary Magdalene


Now we've started rolling north from the French coast, and on the way we've visited the town of Saint-Maximin-la-Sainte-Baume and what is considered to be the tomb of Mary Magdalene. There are many interesting things to see in this area, and we have now set our sights on a very exciting destination.

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Porquerolles Island in France - Golden Islands on the French Riviera


The island of Porquerolles in France is one of the golden islands on the French Riviera, in the south of France. Many consider the Plage Notre Dame, located here, to be the most beautiful beach in the world. Although Porquerolles is the most touristy of the three islands, there are real gems here that we can't find anywhere else just off the south coast of France. The New York Times has listed these three French islands as real gems, and it's not hard to see why.

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Port-Cros Island in France - France's exotic national park


The island of Port-Cros in France is one of the so-called Golden Islands on the Côte d'Azur. It is reminiscent of the Caribbean with its lush green vegetation, beautiful beaches and relaxed bars where you can drink mojitos and listen to good music.

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Île du Levant in France - Europe's only naturist island


The Île du Levant in France is Europe's only naturist island, and a very special place. Here, nature is wild and beautiful, and in many places it intrudes and takes over what humans once built. Here you will find paradise beaches for naturists, flowers of all colours, cosy little restaurants and a lively nightlife.

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Camping and swimming at Le Lavandou - Côte d'Azur in France


After a nice visit to blog friends in Provence, it was time for us to roll south towards Le Lavandou on the French coast, Côte d'Azur. The plan is to visit the islands that are located here, which are usually called the "Golden Islands". But before that there was driving on dramatic mountain roads and an evening swim at a very charming and beautiful beach.

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The Abbey of Thoronet in Provence - and a Swedish crayfish meal


Yesterday we visited the impressive Thoronet Abbey in Provence, which was built in the 12th century. The visit to the cool and splendid monastery was impressive, but the highlight of the day was the evening, when we were invited to a real Swedish crayfish meal with blog friends!

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Île Sainte-Marguerite near Cannes - Lerin Islands in France


One of the reasons we went back to Cannes and the French Riviera, was that we wanted to make a boat trip to Sainte-Marguerite, which we missed the last time we were here. The beautiful island Île Sainte-Marguerite is one of the so-called Lerin islands, and here we could, among other things, swim as well as check out lyxy yachts and odd water activities.

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3 things to do in Marseille, France


What to see and do in Marseille, France? Marseille is the second largest city in France and is beautifully situated on the coast. Here you'll find the charming old harbour of Vieux Port and the church of Notre Dame de la Garde, which offers great views of the city and the sea beyond. We offer our top tips for your visit to Marseille.

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Corsica-Sardinia ferry - quick and easy!


Corsica-Sardinia ferry, how does it work? Good in our experience. Ferries run from Bonifacio in southern Corsica to Santa Teresa in northern Sardinia. The Corsica-Sardinia ferry takes 50 minutes and is easy to continue travelling with your motorhome. The ferries are very frequent and we were there 45 minutes before.

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