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Travel preparations and new motorhome trip underway


This week we've been doing all sorts of travel preparations - both for possible trips abroad and for an upcoming motorhome trip. Happy Friday!


Visit of the sons in the houseboat

Last weekend Peter's two sons came to visit, Robin with his wife Alexandra and Billie with his miniature poodle Nora. So fantastically nice!

We went for a simple "do it yourself" starter with small rye crisps with a choice of filling of Skagenröra, chevre cream or blue cheese cream. Yummy! Then it was beef fillet.

New design in the webshop - and new products

We have tinkered with the design of the online shop during the week. We have received many products with a motorhome and caravan theme, so it felt natural to highlight both "For the motorhome" and "For the caravan" as separate categories in the shop.

We also chose to highlight "Marine theme" as a separate category, as our products with Swedish lighthouses, compass roses and anchors are among the most popular products in the shop. Hope you like the new layout!

We also have new products in the shop! Now we have small light lanterns motorhome and caravan lanterns in silicone. The lanterns are suitable for tea lights (large or small) and are sold in a two-pack for SEK 149.

By the way, did you know that we have a low price guarantee on our motorhome/caravan products? In the unlikely event that you find a lower price somewhere else, we offer you the same low price here!

Travel preparations: New passport and syringe number 2

This week we have fixed two things that may be useful for future travelling. Peter needed a new passport and it turned out to be really hard to find an appointment in Stockholm County. We had to check the booking site incessantly and in the end we found a cancellation with the police in Södertälje. Then we had to be quick on the booking button!

I (Helena) have instead made sure to finally get vaccine shot number 2. Besides the fact that it feels safe and good in every way, we noticed when we travelled to Bulgaria that it was very easy to travel as fully vaccinated!

Peter waiting to make a new passport, outside the police in Södertälje, Sweden

New campervan trip - this time to the West Coast

We will soon be travelling with the motorhome again, and it will be great fun! This time we are aiming for the west coast of Sweden. We plan to start almost at the far south, and then follow the coastal strip northwards towards Norway... Feel free to shower us with tips!

Hamburgsund on the west coast, which we visited last summer.

Best this week

The best thing about this week is that it's still summer - but a little cooler. Because it's not so hot, we manage to keep up with jogging and other exercise, and that feels good! How has your week been? What can you highlight as positive?

The week ahead

We still have some great experiences in Bulgaria to tell you about. Then it's time to roll with the motorhome, and of course you'll get to "come along" along the west coast!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Home fries, exercise and high winds

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