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First journeys - going on a class trip


What are the first trips you remember? Don't just think about travelling abroad now - local trips are also trips! Do you remember travelling with your family or do you remember travelling with your school or football team? When you are young, the world is undiscovered and nothing is as exciting as it was then! Maybe it's not just the destination itself that is interesting during the first journeys. Perhaps the excitement is just as much about leaving home or doing something fun with friends.


School trips to Ven and Liseberg

I remember little trips we made at school, even though it's a long time ago now. I lived in Skåne at the time, and I remember, for example, when we went to the island of Ven, off the west coast of Skåne. There we visited the observatory of the Danish scientist Tycho Brahe. A few weeks ago, I actually benefited from the knowledge gained from that trip - it helped me solve a question in Trivial Pursuit!

I also remember when I got to go to Liseberg on a corner, when my friend's swimming club was going there. I had never been to such a large amusement park before ...

Travelling is learning

When I think back on all the travelling I've done during my life, both to destinations near and far, I think that's when I learned the most - about everything from geography to getting along with others! In Sweden, most people actually have the opportunity to get away on some small trip sometimes, at least if you are prepared to work a little for it!

Do you know any children or young people who want to go on a trip, perhaps with their class or team? One way to earn extra money for the trip is to sell delicacies through The king of delicacies, with whom we are writing this post. A class trip can be a way to get those first travel experiences! I've travelled a lot myself, but I still find myself learning something new every day I'm on the road...


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