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Our goals with the blog


The weeks are flying by and it's already Happy Friday again. Where does time go? Soon it will be Advent and Lucia and Christmas ... This week has been hysterical for us and things have happened that will affect both our future plans and our blogging. We can't tell you yet, but you'll find out next week! For now: our blog goals.


Our goals with the blog

Blog goals, do you have to have them? No, of course not! You can blog for the fun of it, to write or to socialise with all the wonderful people in the blogging world. We ourselves blog largely for these reasons. A big THANK YOU to all your wonderful readers! It is thanks to you that this is so incredibly fun! We love to read your insightful, funny and honest comments, and we are evolving with you.

Because blogging is so much fun, a few goals have emerged. We want our blog to be a site where we can tell you about our own crazy adventures while also being a site where you go to find informative and personalised travel tips.

We want to travel more, we want to fill our travel pages with more tips and we want more people to find our site. In time, we might want to make a living from blogging and travelling. A crazy goal? Who knows... If it doesn't work out, we hope that the road to the goal is so fun, exciting and challenging that the road itself is worth the effort.

It is important to have goals to aim for! Here Peter aims for the goal with an axe at the Vildmarksmässan 2016.

Methods for developing the blog

How do you develop and improve your blog? We're always playing around with each other and other travel bloggers, trying out different ideas. We also update old posts by, for example, adding bigger photos (what small photos we uploaded in the early days of the blog!) or deleting posts that are too small. insanely embarrassing or as links to pages that no longer exist. But considering that we've been blogging about once a day since March 2009, there are quite a few posts to go through ... Phew!

We have also decided to invest and see what a professional company can help a blogger with when it comes to search engine optimisation (i.e. how to write to be more visible on Google). We have contacted the company Pineberry who will analyse our site and tell us what we are doing right and what we are doing wrong ... It will be very interesting to hear what they say!!!

Mål för bloggen

Happy Friday!

Perhaps the best thing this week has been that we have reached some decisions ... And that we have decided to dare to invest and set goals with the blog! What has been the best part of your week? Do you have any long-term plans for the future?

Libanesisk efterrätt
I finish with a picture of the dessert from yesterday's Lebanese Christmas table with work

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