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August photo challenge - religious theme


It was time for the photo challenge again! Previous themes have been vehicles, water, patterns, clouds and people. This month's theme is ... religious! Here is a post with sacred and devotional content.



It is the travel blogger Maria's memoirs which organises the photo challenges and the theme for August is 'religious'. The theme can include anything from churches and temples to idols and people performing religious acts.

What an exciting theme! The most difficult thing has been to choose. We have a huge number of photos of beautiful, old or unusual churches and other religious buildings. In the end we had to decide on a small selection! You can also see previous themes here:

House of God

We have a lot of photos of churches, and I could do a separate post on beautiful churches. For now, here is a small selection of buildings in honour of God, an Orthodox church building, a mosque and a Catholic church from the inside.

Lavra cave monastery in Kiev, Ukraine
Mosque in Hurghada, Egypt
St Johns Cathedral
St John's Cathedral in Valletta, Malta

Through the ages

One thing that fascinates us about religious buildings is that they often carry a lot of history. These places are magical to visit in many ways, both for the religious myths that may surround them and for everything that has happened in these places throughout history.

Catherine's Monastery at Mount Sinai in Egypt, from 337 AD
Kyrka Dingle
The Gallarus Oratory church in Ireland, from the 6th or 7th century
Cathedral of Nin, Croatia, from the 8th century


People around the world choose to pray or perform religious ceremonies. Here we have selected a photo showing Jews in Jerusalem, a photo showing Buddhists in Sri Lanka and a photo of a Catholic Easter procession in Spain.

Västra muren
Western Wall, Jerusalem
Sri Lanka buddism
Buddhists in Anuradhapura, Sri Lanka
Varför firar vi påsk?
Easter procession in Tarragona, Spain

Angels and goddesses

Sometimes it is exciting to approach the sculptures and paintings in religious buildings. Here are two photos from European churches and one from a cave temple in Sri Lanka.

Neuzelle kyrka
An angel with dice at the feet of Jesus in Neuzelle, Germany
Skeleton Church in Sedlec, Kutna Hora, Czech Republic
Goddesses in the cave temple in Dambulla, Sri Lanka

Which of the photos do you like best? Do you have any photos of your own with religious content? If you have a blog - feel free to join in and make your own post with the August theme!

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