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Silent motorboat and springtime bubbles destination

This week and weekend, a whole series of exciting trade fairs are being organised at Stockholmsmässan in Älvsjö: Everything for the Sea, Explore and the Photo Fair. At the Everything for the Sea fair, a silent motorboat called the "Tesla of the Sea" will be on display. We can also tell you about the spring's bubbly destinations. Can you guess which destination has increased by 150 per cent in Ticket's booking statistics?


More fairs coming up

Between 3 and 11 March, the Allt för sjön fair will be open at the Stockholm Fair in Älvsjö. On 9-11 March, the Explore Fair (formerly the Wilderness Fair) and the Photo Fair will also be there, and the entrance ticket is valid for all three fairs. Some of the activities that stand out are indoor wakeboard competitions (Allt för sjön), the opportunity for some to camp on the roof of the fair (Explore) and a photo safari with Bingo Rimér (Fotomässan).

Pedal board
Peter at the Allt för sjön and Vildmarksmässan last year ...

Silent motor boat

One of the new products on display at the Everything for the Sea trade fair is the silent and electrically powered luxury motorboat 'X Shore eElectric 8000 Smögen Edition'. Developed by entrepreneur Konrad Bergström, the boat is described by news site Breakit as "a Tesla for the sea". The 8 metre long boat has dual inboard motors and batteries. Each motor delivers 80 horsepower, enough for speeds above 25 knots. According to Breakit, the price tag is SEK 3 million.


Spring's most booked destinations

The hottest destination this spring is Gran Canaria, according to booking statistics from Ticket Privatresor. Big city weekends are also popular, especially Paris, London, Amsterdam and Prague. Bookings to the classic city of Paris have increased by 17.2 per cent, moving the city up from 5th to 2nd on the list. Top 5 most booked destinations this spring:

  1. Gran Canaria
  2. Paris
  3. Bangkok
  4. Majorca
  5. London
Gran Canaria, från vår resa 2006
Gran Canaria, from our 2006 trip

Spring bubbly destinations

From Ticket Privatresor we have also received statistics on which destinations have climbed the most on the lists. The biggest surprise of the spring is Istanbul, where bookings have increased by almost 150 per cent. Top 5 destinations on Ticket's bubble list:

  1. Lisbon +37.5 per cent (11th place, up from 13th)
  2. Rome +18.4 per cent (12th place, up from 15th)
  3. Vienna +83.5 per cent (19th place, up from 30th)
  4. Nice + 37.1 per cent (21st place, up from 26th)
  5. Istanbul +149.7 per cent (22nd place, up from 50th)
Lisbon, from our 2015 trip to Europe

The Vero app went viral

The social media app Vero was created in 2015, but has not been much talked about... until a week ago. After criticising Instagram and after a large group switched from Instagram to Vero, suddenly "everyone" wanted to try the new app.

In Vero, you can post pictures and films and the flow is controlled by how you rate your friends (close friend, friend or acquaintance). However, it's unclear whether this will be more than a brief fad, and the app has encountered technical problems after the huge influx of users.


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