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What will travel be like after the coronavirus?


What will travel be like after corona, really? Does everything take a break now, only to become normal again? Or will nothing ever be "as usual"? We're throwing around a few different thoughts and scenarios, but above all, we're interested to know what you think!


We have got used to travelling freely

Travelling (almost) freely in the world has been a matter of course for many of us. Nevertheless, it should perhaps be seen as an exception in world history. After all, it is only for a certain period of time, and only in a certain part of the world, that it has been self-evident to be able to travel wherever you want.

How far (and how often) did our grandparents travel? Or their parents? And how far have less well-off villagers around the world travelled? Or people in countries where visas are difficult to obtain? No, what has been normal for us has been far from normal for all time or for everyone.


A food for thought

Right now we can't travel because the whole world is dealing with a nasty virus. Some people believe that things will soon be back to normal, that we will just pause for two months, before our normal lives resume. Others believe that this is a turning point, an opportunity to reflect and change direction. What do you think? Will things go back to normal soon, or have we changed direction forever?


Practical complications and obstacles

One thing we are thinking about is the purely practical complications, which could take time. When is it possible to reopen the borders? If a country (eventually!) gets rid of the virus, do they really want to open up to travellers who can bring the virus into the country again? Will countries choose to open their borders only to certain other countries? Will they open, but impose strict rules on fever control or quarantine?

Some examples

  • If one country in Europe gets rid of the virus before the others, does that country close its borders to other countries?
  • If, for example, Sweden and Germany become free of infection and we can travel freely between the countries, how are the borders controlled?
  • If several countries are free of infection, but one country suddenly has a new case, will the borders be closed again?
  • If infection remains in Europe during the year, and comes and goes, will the borders be opened at all?

A change of approach

Another thing we think about is how we humans are affected. Even if borders are opened up, will we feel differently? Will we have the same desire to travel across the globe, or will we be a bit more fearful, cautious, restrained?

We have previously written that we believe that people, due to corona and due to the environmental debate, will be more interested in nature, camping and neighbouring destinations. At the same time, we sometimes think that we humans may forget. Maybe we will soon be back to long-distance charter trips and quick city weekends. What do you think? We wonder:

  • When (and how) do you think borders will open between countries?
  • Will travel remain the same or will it change?
  • How would you like to travel in the future?

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