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New lessons learned, natural areas and newspaper reports

In these (strange) times, you learn some new lessons. We also take the opportunity to discover new natural areas, and we've had a newspaper report published. We all have tough times now, but we still wish you a Happy Friday! Take care of all of you!


Lessons learnt from working from home

I (Helena) have now been working from home for two weeks, which means we both work from home. It's going well, but new situations arise and you have to learn from them.

  • When one has a video meeting, the other can't walk past naked from the shower (no that hasn't happened, we had a minute to spare...).
  • When one person has a video meeting and the other is being interviewed by phone (for a Finnish magazine about being a travel blogger in times of corona) - the phone interview can take place on the deck.

Many natural areas in Stockholm

We work from home all day and feel a strong need to get out from time to time. Of course, we don't want to contribute to the spread of infection, and do our best to keep our distance. So what could be better than being out in nature?

We have started to seek out natural areas, and have realised that there are very many fine nature reserves in the Stockholm area. We have already written about Järvafältet nature reserveand have been able to visit two more. We will tell you more soon!

Report in Caravan & Camping

A new issue of Allt om husvagn & camping (No. 4, April 2020) was recently published. In this issue there is a report we wrote about Estonia. Right now, of course, you should not travel anywhere at all, but when it eases, we can warmly recommend Estonia. Our neighbour to the east offers beautiful scenery and lots of Swedish history.

Reportage om Estland

Food and wine

Fish and lots of vegetables and fruit are on our menu right now. However, we have been little less adept at giving up wine. This week Peter offered a glass of wine and some strawberries before dinner. I was sitting on the sofa bed in the living room (where Peter also works on bicycles and other things), so the serving was on the toolbox ... But it was just as good for that!

Vin och jordgubbar

Best this week

We have accepted the situation, try to adapt and do our best not to be infected or contagious. Now the focus is on the fact that everyone must help to keep Sweden running and slow down the rate of infection. In the meantime, we are enjoying nature and the spring sunshine, and it is wonderful! Do you have anything that you can highlight as positive during your week?

The week ahead

We will continue to get out into nature. Here in the blog there will be reports on natural areas, which we may mix with posts about corona thoughts, food, motorhome life and film and book tips. Peter has also (finally!) managed to write about Derry/Londonderry in Northern Ireland, so we can publish that too. How does this sound? Let us know if there is anything special you want us to write about!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Working from home - and enjoying the outdoors

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