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Screw in the drain and wine rack on the electric bike


Imagine how happy you can be for a working sewer when you've been without a sewer for four days. We can also enjoy Peter's new installation on the electric bike ... a wine rack. Happy Friday!


Finally, a working sewer

Imagine how much damage a tiny, tiny screw can cause! On Friday morning (last Friday) our sewage pump stopped working. Unfortunately, it was a public holiday and we didn't want to call the contractor on the weekend. In other words, it was many days without sewage.

When you have a drain, you don't think about how often you use it - washing your hands, brushing your teeth, showering, going to the toilet, washing the dishes, draining the pasta water, rinsing the vegetables, running the washing machine and so on. When you not have a drain, you become very aware of all the things you suddenly can't do.

Fortunately, we have a toilet and shower inside the marina and one early morning when I went there, the marina posed quietly and nicely for my camera. A tiny bit positive. It was even more positive on Tuesday when the craftsmen came here and found the fault - a small, small screw stuck in the pump. It was an expensive screw. But we have a drain again, wehoo, soooo happy!

Electric bike with wine rack and extra box

Peter loves tinkering with his electric bike and his latest accessories include reflectors, stickers, an extra box... and a wine rack. Yes, but who wouldn't want to put a wine rack on their bike? Perhaps the wine rack could work well for a cosy picnic. So far, it's been tested for bringing home wine from the System, and it also worked great.

Hållbar handling

Fabric bags for shopping

Now plastic bags have become expensive as well, and we've finally gotten our act together and bought reusable bags, both large and small, for fruit and vegetables. It is perhaps sad that we needed the "nudging" of economic instruments, but now that we have taken the step, we are satisfied. The bags will be in the electric bike's box!

Hållbar handling

Best this week

Absolutely the best thing this week is that we finally have a working drain again (shower... yeah!). We are also happy with our new shopping bike! What has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead

This weekend we will probably have time for a cycling excursion. At the end of the week we will (finally!) pick up the motorhome from winter storage. After that, you can expect a bit more campervan life here on the blog!

Husbil vinjett

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the 80th anniversary celebrations and 'The new normal'

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