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Sous vide, poached eggs and shopping


This week we (or rather, Peter) have been learning how to cook using the sous vide method. A lot of good food has resulted! And also some other shopping ... Happy Friday!


Cooking with sous vide

Peter has long been keen to cook using the sous vide method. Earlier this week, his enthusiasm grew in proportion and he spent days (and nights!) watching sous vide films on YouTube. Where did it all end? By buying new equipment for the kitchen, of course. It was a vacuum packer and a sous vide machine (actually: circulator).

One of the advantages of sous vide is that the food becomes juicier and more tender. "I (Helena) am not really interested in the technical details, but I like to taste! And I can say that the meat we have cooked so far - beef and game - has been very tasty and tender!

Peter has also cooked poached eggs in the machine. Oh yes, so good! One morning it was buttered bread with avocado, tomato and poached egg for breakfast. I can happily repeat that luxury on occasion!

New shelves

Another thing we got this week is some extra shelves for me (Helena). I work more and more from home, but having your office at the kitchen table has its challenges. You can't exactly sprinkle gadgets around, because soon you have to clean up for a sous vide dinner ...

But now I have three shelves that Peter put on the wall for me. Here I can keep pads, pens, hard drives, brochures and other things. Absolutely perfect!

Friday shopping

There has been a lot of shopping this week. First the sous vide equipment, then the shelves and now ... clothes! I (Helena) got gift cards for clothes from my job both last Christmas (which I haven't used yet) and this Christmas. Together it becomes a not entirely inconsiderable sum. So today we will shop!

Best this week

It feels like we are living in a slightly strange time now (again) and several planned activities have been cancelled for us. It is of course sad, but if you try to look at it from the positive side, we have to say that we got quite a lot of work done this week.

We also had time to visit three very nice museums: Nordic Museum, Prince Eugen's Waldemarsudde and ... a museum that we'll tell you about on Sunday! Now it's your turn - what has been the best part of your week?

The week ahead

We remain at home in Stockholm. What else in these times? We are updating some things on, which we will hopefully be able to tell you about soon. Maybe we'll also have time for some more museum visits?

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Museum visits, meal variety and a bucket of lobsters

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