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Hanging out (and everyday business) on Malapascua


I can't believe we are finally off on our adventure in the Philippines! Right now we're hanging out on the island of Malapascua, waiting to go on a boat trip. Here we are enjoying the warmth and the holiday feeling, while working and taking care of all kinds of everyday tasks. Happy Friday!


Fast forward - from the Alps to Southeast Asia

Things have been moving fast for us recently. At the end of January we visited Vorarlberg in the Austrian Alps and in early February we landed in the Philippines. The pictures below of me (Helena) were taken only two weeks apart, so there has been a bit of an adjustment ...

Amazingly nice on Malapascua

We are currently on the island Malapascua, north of Cebu in the Philippines, and this is a truly beautiful place. Here you are met by long beautiful beaches, crystal clear water, swaying palm trees, fine Filipino boats and ... lots of dogs. The island has both a relatively touristy area on the beach around the harbour, and areas where you mostly meet locals.

The northern beach of Malapascua, which is a little less touristy.
The beach at the harbour, where most of the tourists stay.
The heat is nice, but sometimes you get tired ...

A simple life - with everyday tasks

We live a relatively simple life here on Malapascua. The first time we lived in a cottage at the beach bar (Lighthouse Beach Bar), run by the Filipino family we are now acquainted with, through our friends. Now we have moved on, to also see some other views and get closer to the touristy parts of the island, with restaurants and shops.

Stunning sea views from the Lighthouse Beach Bar
Children play on the beach and in a homemade boat
We have taken many long walks, sometimes through dense greenery.

We have, of course, enjoyed the beaches, sun and Filipino food In the small shops on the island, we have searched for everything from medicines (to treat wounds and shoe rubs and to take on the boat trip) to noodles, eggs and vegetables, to prepare simple meals in the kitchen at the bar.

Preparing for a boat trip

We will be hanging out here on Malapascua for a while. The plan is for us to go boating on the boat Dotche, which is remodelled and inaugurated with whole roast pig and everything. However, the boat is not completely ready for our trip, but must be equipped with a kitchen, larger wind and sun protection, etc. We are also waiting for the weather to become a little more stable, before it is suitable to leave.

Days in the sun - and with work

We enjoy the peace and quiet and the lovely climate, but we also work a lot. It's not that we have three months of holiday right away. It's just that we have moved our work to another location. Most days there are many hours in front of the computers.

Peter at the computer at the Lighthouse Beach Bar

Best this week

The best part of this week? Getting to the amazing island of Malapascua of course, and finally embarking on our exciting adventure in the Philippines!

How has your week been? What can you highlight as positive (big or small)?

The week ahead

During the coming week we will continue to hang out on Malapascua. We will explore new parts of the island while preparing for the boat trip. Here at FREEDOMtravel there will be reports from Malapascua mixed with some guest articles and possibly some other reports that we have in mind.

We end with a drone photo from Malapascua and wish you a Happy Friday!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Greetings from the Philippines - preparing for a boat trip

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