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Car hire trip, Christmas table and real winter


It's Friday again, and under the heading "Happy Friday" we tell you about our week as usual, in true blog spirit. This week we have been on both a rental car trip and a cruise, and now we are at home in a wintry houseboat marina.


Car hire trip to the north

We only have one car - the camper van - and in winter it is stored in a garage. But most of the time it's fine. We walk or take the metro or commuter train. If we ever need a car, we rent one, which is what we did this weekend. We picked up Peter's brother Micke in Norrtälje and then we drove north to visit their mum Gittan.

It was a very wintry trip, and afterwards we had a Christmas dinner together at the Kungsådran restaurant in Älvkarleby.

It was perhaps not the best Christmas table we have ever had, but it was still good and above all it was very nice. The Christmas beer from Leufstabruk Brewery was not so bad!

Journey continues - towards Finland cruise

After the Christmas table, and after we drove Gittan home, it was time for us to drive towards the Finland cruise with Finnsirius. Now it was both wintry and dark, so it was lucky that we had plenty of time. There were many hours in the car, but then we got a really nice cruise and a nice stay in Turku!

Winter in the marina

Now we are at home in our houseboat in the marina again, and it really is winter here, with a lot of snow and ice. The marina has not put in the propellers yet, which usually keep the marina ice-free, so they are busy breaking the ice every day. We ourselves are busy sweeping the snow, and sometimes it has been so cold that we have had to make a fire in the stove in the boat, but then it is on the other hand really hot.

Best this week

Best this week? The cruise to Finland with the beautiful Finnsirius was fantastic! It was also nice that we managed to book a visit with Peter's mum. Now we are enjoying the peace and quiet of home, in all simplicity.

Your turn ... what are some of the positives you can highlight from the week, big or small?

The week ahead

The coming week will be spent at home in Stockholm. We have some booked meetings and other things, but mostly we will be at home and work. Here at FREEDOMtravel there will be some mixed travel inspiration and other things. Happy Friday!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Musical, pitches and time for a cruise

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