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Going to Uzbekistan - follow the trip on Instagram


Soon we will be travelling to Uzbekistan - again! This time it will be a round trip, as we will see several different places in the country. The trip is a press trip with bloggers and journalists from all over the Nordic region - a group that we put together.


Our last trip to Uzbekistan

If you follow us, you might remember that we visited Uzbekistan last autumn? We were there on the occasion of 25 UNWTO (the 25th session of the General Assembly of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation), during which we also got to see a lot of the beautiful and exciting city. Samarkand. There is of course more to see and experience in Uzbekistan, and now we are travelling there again!

Press trip to Uzbekistan

Since our trip to Samarkand, we have maintained contact with the Uzbekistan Embassy in Stockholm. Uzbekistan's official tourism organisation was keen to arrange a press trip to Uzbekistan with Nordic travel writers and we were asked to put this group together. We have been working on gathering the group and preparing the trip, together with the embassy, since last autumn. And now it's almost time!

Nordic journalists and travel bloggers to Uzbekistan

We will be a group of 11 writers making this journey. The group consists of journalists and bloggers from Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. We will be travelling around the country with guides. In addition, some will make their own excursions, in addition to the joint programme.

Uzbekistan - an exciting tourist destination

Uzbekistan is a fascinating country that has much to offer visitors in terms of history, architecture, food culture, dance, crafts, nature, Unesco World Heritage sites and much more. This includes the famous city of Samarkand, which has a fairytale feel to it, and was once the site of the famous Silk Road. Other places of interest include the capital Tashkent and the historically exciting city of Bukhara.

Uzbekistan has a strong focus on tourism and has ensured that the country is visa-free for many of the world's nationalities. Citizens of the Nordic countries are free to visit the country for up to 30 days without a visa.

Follow the trip on Instagram

In time, you can expect reports on Uzbekistan, both here on FREEDOMtravel and in other Nordic channels focusing on travel. Already now you can read our previous report on Uzbekistan here.

Would you like to follow the new trip to Tashkent, Samarkand and Bukhara in real time? Then you are welcome to follow FREEDOMtravel's Instagram account: @freedomtravelnews. You can expect updates from Monday 22 April. Here at you can expect a greeting from Uzbekistan next Friday!

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