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Mancor de la Vall in Mallorca - holidays in a rented house

Guest writer: Pernilla

Mallorca is an island that many people have visited and to which I have returned several times. When I googled when we Swedes started travelling there, it was already in the 1950s that the first charter went here, and my great-grandmother was one of those who visited Mallorca in the 50s.

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Inner peace in the Sierra de Madrid - Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Mataelpino

Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Sierra de Madrid, a peaceful and beautiful place that welcomes the Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Mataelpino. After spending a few days in the heart of this place as a volunteer, I felt inspired to share the wonderful experience that this centre, which follows the Buddhist tradition adapted for the West, Kadampa, offers.

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A trip to Nerja in winter: sun, adventure and magical views?

Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Hello dear travellers! I want to share with you my fantastic winter trip to Nerja on the Costa del Sol in Spain. The trip, which I chose to do in cooperation with Boka Nerja, really exceeded my expectations in every way.

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Exciting trips to Madrid: a family connection to the Matador costumes

Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Did you know that I always go to Madrid several times a year no matter where I am? Spain is a country full of history, culture and family connections. I was born and raised in Spain throughout my teenage years until I moved to the UK. It took a few years after that to move to Sweden to start a family.

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Santiago de Compostela - a pilgrimage to the soul

Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Not long ago, I walked the pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela, and I am very grateful for that experience. I grew up in A Coruña, which is a half-hour drive away, and I studied law at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain.

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Tapas: a flavourful journey through Spain

Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Spain, a country associated with sun, sand and a passionate way of life, is a place I am happy to leave and never want to cut ties with, even though I spend most of my time in Sweden.

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Exploring Spanish culture: a trip you'll never forget

Today we present a guest article

Travelling is something that most people enjoy doing. There are many amazing destinations all over the world to enjoy. If you are looking for an experience that you will never forget, you should definitely take a trip to Spain.

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Best destinations in Madrid

Today we present a guest article

During the winter months, many Swedes want to head south to warmer climates. For a perfect getaway, we recommend a trip to Spain's capital Madrid, which is full of life all year round. Below we give you tips on what not to miss when visiting the party city.

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5 differences between Mallorca and the rest of Spain

Today we present a guest post

Mallorca and Spain as a whole are very popular holiday destinations, not least among Swedes. Sun and swimming are major attractions, as are the festive atmosphere, beautiful views and environments. Spain offers many different destinations, of which Mallorca is one of them.

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Football trip to Barcelona - and a city weekend in one

In collaboration with

Have you considered a football trip to Barcelona? The vibrant Spanish coastal city must be the perfect city to combine football with a city holiday. During a weekend in Barcelona, you can both experience a football match at Camp Nou and see some of the city's coolest sights.

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