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Legoland Castle Hotel in Billund - the children's dream hotel

Guest writer: Lina Sjölund Gröndahl

Near LEGOLAND® towers an enchanted and fantastically beautiful castle. It is probably the coolest hotel in the Nordic region for families with children. The King and Queen of LEGOLAND® live here, and you can become their guest. 

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10 different hotels we've stayed in (or visited)

Today we tell you about ten different hotels in the world that we have stayed in, or visited. Luxury hotels are great, but they can be quite similar. But when you visit a unique place - you won't forget it!

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Victoria Falls Safari Lodge in Zimbabwe - overlooking a waterhole

The Victoria Falls Safari Lodge in Zimbabwe is a truly delightful and natural accommodation near the Victoria Falls. Here you can sit on the balcony, overlooking a waterhole where the wild animals, such as buffalo and elephants, come to drink. Absolutely magical!

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Bethulie in South Africa - in the footsteps of the Boer War

Bethulie is a small town in the centre of South Africa that has much more to offer than we first realised. The Royal Hotel Bethulie is a genuine and special gem, filled with 120,000 books. What's more, the owner, who is the author of numerous history books, can tell you about the sometimes gruesome history of the Boer War and its infamous concentration camps.

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Life dreams, oyster fishing and wine making in the south of France

Guest writer: Mia Ulin

A good friend told me "If you keep saying I dream of ... without doing anything about it, nothing will happen". Then I realised that the timing was right," says Sara Verrall in Marseillaise.

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What to do in Hammamet, Tunisia - 13 tips

What to do in Hammamet, Tunisia? Hammamet is a Tunisian Mediterranean resort popular with holidaymakers from many different countries. It used to be a popular destination for charter flights from Sweden, and after a long hiatus, these trips are now starting to pick up again. Here are our top tips for things to see and do in Hammamet and the surrounding area.

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Varberg's coastal hotel - a place to long to return to

Guest writer: Magdalena

I have been to Varberg on a couple of occasions in the past and visited the city's attractions, such as the cosy city centre and Varberg Fortress.
This time my husband and I travelled to Varberg to enjoy a relaxing spa break at Varberg's Kusthotell after an intense period of life.

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A day at Bongska Huset and its big sister Hotel Mossbylund

Guest writer: Pernilla

Bongska Huset in Abbekås is nicely located in Abbekås harbour in Skåne, close to the beach and the bathing jetty (the jetty was being set up in the morning when we were there). 

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Marina Point Bay Resort in Panglao, Philippines

Marina Point Bay Resort, on the island of Panglao in the Philippines, is a really nice place that offers a wonderfully relaxed environment. We stayed here for a while, and since we liked the place so much, we have to tell you about it.

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Everyday luxury at Hotel Dannegården in Trelleborg.

Guest writers: Magdalena and Pernilla

Travelling and long-distance adventures are great. But we don't think everyday luxury in your neighbourhood should be downplayed. We brightened up a rough weekday in February by travelling to Trelleborg and staying at Hotel Dannegården.

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