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Large November list 2020


Now it's really dark and rough in Sweden, and you need to find good ways to cheer yourself up. I found a November list of tips that I wrote in 2018. This year the circumstances are different in many ways, but I've used the exact same headings and tried to summarise tips that are suitable for this strange year...!


November 2020 list - different from previous years

Here are our top tips for 2020 (and here is our November list for 2018). If you want to share your own tips on the same points, that would be great! Write in a comment, or write your own blog post if you have a blog. Feel free to tell us where you found the list!

1. best soup

Soup is really good when it's cold outside. Now we're on some kind of diet, so we prefer light water-based soups. Two other favourites are seafood soup with saffron and broccoli soup and mushroom soup.

Värmande soppor

2. Best autumn dinner

Seafood can brighten up any dull autumn evening. Best of all, seafood is a great snack, as long as you're careful with the sauces and cheeses. A favourite is the Mediterranean fish seabream, which we cook on the grill in the oven and serve with rice, herb sauce and broccoli.

Grillad seabream

3. Most luxurious evening snacks

Did I say we're on a diet? No, unfortunately there is no room for any snacks right now, but we have decided to treat ourselves to what we like best. So there will be a glass of wine now and then, which feels very luxurious!

4. favourite book

After visiting the Polish city Łódź I have been curious to read "The Poor in Łódź" by Steve Sem-Sandberg. I have read another book by the same author, "The selected", which was horrible but good. But apparently I will have to put up with it for a while. When I was in a bookshop recently, they told me that it will be available in paperback on 1 December.

5. most exciting TV series

We have watched several good TV series this autumn and right now we are watching season 4 of "The Crown" on Netflix about Queen Elisabeth. Fantastically well done, beautiful and interesting!

6. The highlight film

We don't watch much film, but one documentary we liked (and were horrified by) is 'The Social Dilemma', available on Netflix. This film explores the impact of social networks on us humans and finds out why the tech experts themselves warn against their creations.

7. Greatest blog

What a difficult question! I like reading blogs because they give me many different perspectives, so it's hard to pick just one. But our travel blog colleague 4000 mil always writes engaging, interesting and entertaining!

8. funniest game

Eeeeh ... games? No, no idea actually. Tell us!

9. best 'treat'

Treating yourself to a little wine with your snacks and vegetables makes life suddenly feel much more festive!

10. most enjoyable cultural experience

We have a cinema ticket for the Capitol cinema, where you can have a film and food experience in one. We're really keen to go, but it feels like the wrong time, so in the meantime we'll be watching TV series.

11. most inspiring training

Our jogging in the mornings of course! Now I have to admit that we have had a break, due to Peter's back injury, but I hope we will be back on track soon. My favourite part is our stops along the way when we do different training exercises.

12. The smartest way to stay energised

Hmm, considering that we are often tired, we might not be the best people to ask. But what seems to work reasonably well is daylight, jogging, good food and social contacts (if only via computer/phone).

13. most fun shopping

It's actually really fun to go on a quest for healthy (and tasty!) food. We browse the fruit and vegetable shelves and get a colourful fridge.

14. Best autumn trip (Sweden)

At the moment, it's best to be cautious about travelling, but you can still enjoy the nature in the surrounding area. Here are our top tips for excursions in the Stockholm area, for those who happen to live in the neighbourhood.

15. Best autumn trip (Europe)

Wow, how different life was in 2018 when I formulated this point! We don't dare to recommend travelling right now, as we don't know what will happen, but we highly recommend dreaming and planning! These 15 places and experiences in Europe we dream of.

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