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Out of gas - and time for FREEDOMtravel magazine!


The gas is out, but that's life. You just have to make the best of the situation! Now our magazine is also ready to be distributed across Sweden. Happy Friday!


Running out of LPG

Our plan was that two full tubes of LPG would be enough for our entire stay abroad. Changing or filling Swedish LPG tanks abroad can be really complicated. Unfortunately, our plan didn't quite work out. One morning we woke up to a warm fridge, and without the opportunity to make coffee ...

What to do? Our first plan was to buy a Czech LPG tube and try to find some kind of adapter. We ran around a whole bunch of shops with our case. Most of the people working in these shops don't speak any English, so explaining the case wasn't easy, but almost every time another kind customer stepped in to help interpret.

In one shop, they thought perhaps that they could have a suitable adapter. However, they wanted to see the Czech LPG tube first. So we went to buy one, but we were told not to. You're not allowed to buy Czech LPG tubes, you have to have an empty Czech LPG tube in exchange, and we didn't have that ...

We asked for advice at a campsite and they actually happened to have a different kind of adapter, namely an adapter to fill our LPG tube. Presumably it would have been technically possible to fill LPG at an LPG station with this, but we didn't want to do that. Firstly, it is not allowed to fill if you do not have a fixed tank, and secondly, it is of course not good to do with gas if you do not really know what you are doing.

So, what to do? We bought a small electric hob! Now we can manage the last two weeks before we head back to Sweden. This does mean that we are dependent on electricity, but so be it.


My (Helena) birthday was yesterday and Peter's birthday is in a week. So, how do we celebrate? Well, yesterday we mostly "celebrated" by washing clothes. Men we can say that it was really nice to have the washing done!

In addition, we have luxuriated in another day at the spa (more on that later!), and we decided it was a birthday celebration for both of us!!!

FREEDOMtravel Magazine 2022 - heading to the campsites!

Our physical magazine, FREEDOMtravel Magazine, is printed and ready! Today, Friday 1 July, the magazine starts being distributed to campsites around Sweden. Soon you will be able to find it (completely free of charge!) at the reception of about 600 campsites between Mora and Ystad. Note that it is folded inside the magazine "Husvagn och husbil på väg". Link to the e-magazine will come as soon as we get it!

Almost 8000 followers on Instagram

At the time of writing, we are a few people away from 8000 followers on Instagram. We are really very happy for everyone who wants to "follow" us on our adventures! In addition, it is fun with all the exchange and all the conversations on Insta! You can find us at @freedomtravelnews!

Best this week

Best this week? It is undoubtedly all the amazing nature experiences in the Czech Republic. We haven't had time to tell you everything yet, but we'll tell you more soon!

And you ... what can you highlight as positive from your week?

The week ahead

We're standing still for a few days now, to get everything organised from laundry to work. Then it will be time to roll to new places in Germany. On, however, it will be about the Czech Republic for a while longer. We have a lot that we haven't had time to tell you about!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the We wish you a very nice midsummer!

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