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To wave or not to wave in your motorhome - how do you do it?


To wave in the motorhome or not to wave - that is the question. The first time we travelled by motorhome was in New Zealand, and we quickly learned to wave to other motorhomes. Unexpected, but nice! And we have continued to wave in Sweden and Europe. A reader pointed out to us that there is less waving these days, and wondered if this is related to the increase in motorhomes. Do you wave in your motorhome?


Should you wave in your campervan?

This seems to be an eternal question. Should you wave in your motorhome or should you not wave in your motorhome? Some people think it's nice to wave and others think it's excessive. There are also those who think that there is some kind of gradation, that only certain types of motorhomes wave at each other, and that it is therefore boring.

How do we - and how do you?

We almost always wave, unless we happen to be distracted and completely out of it. We think it's nice! We try to wave regardless of the type of motorhome, but it can happen that you miss that a van-type motorhome is a motorhome sometimes unfortunately, it is important to be quick.

On the other hand, we make mistakes the other way round too. We sometimes wave at everything from vans to horseboxes... We usually wonder what they are thinking, but we hope they like our waving too! What do you think? Is there less waving today than in the past? Do you wave? Do you like waving in your motorhome?

Vinka i husbilen

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