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Repainting your apartment - from colour to white


As you may know, we are in the process of selling our apartment. We are taking one step at a time towards the long journey we plan to make next year. The first step is to sell our apartment and move to something smaller and simpler.


Difficult to sell a special apartment

Unfortunately, our apartment was probably a bit for special. I have loved the warm, soft colours, but there have been too few people at the viewings and, according to the estate agent, people want 'bright and fresh'. So now we're painting over all the colours and marbling - everything will be white. It's a bit sad, but we've had eight fantastic years here and new adventures await!

We paint and paint

Peter painted until half past two last night. This morning we got up at 7.30 and started again. Our flat is no picnic to paint. There are plinths, mouldings and stucco everywhere. No straight walls to quickly roll over, in other words ...

Then it can be more work than you originally thought. For example, when we painted the walls white, it turned out that the windows, which we thought were white, were not so white. So now we have to paint them too... White everywhere!

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