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Visit from Valencia


Guess who we had for dinner in the houseboat yesterday! You may remember last week's Guest of the Week, Peter Grip who lives in Valencia and has been to every country in the world? Yes, he and his girlfriend Eva stopped by for dinner, as they are currently in Sweden. It was a very nice evening talking about travelling, and about our visit to them in Valencia last March ...


Our visit to Valencia in March 2015

If you followed the blog during our trip around Europe, you may remember that we visited Valencia and the Las Fallas festival. It was an absolutely fantastic experience, made even better by our local and incredibly knowledgeable guides Peter and Eva.

When we came to Valencia in March we actually met for the first time, but we had some previous contact through our blog and Eva's blog. Svensson against the current. The blogging world is great many times!

Peter, Peter och Eva i Valencia i mars 2015
Peter, Peter and Eva in Valencia in March 2015

Las Fallas festival

Being involved in Las Fallas festival is an experience, and if you ever have the chance to go to Valencia in the spring, make sure you tick off these festivities! The most eye-catching aspect of the festival is the enormous statues set up in streets and squares throughout the city. The statues, which are all themed, compete against each other in different classes and at the end of the festival they are festively burned.

During the festival you also get to experience "mascleta", daily fireworks of a kind I've never seen before, impressive light shows played to music, an endlessly long list of fireworks, and more. flower parade with beautiful traditional clothes, some of the most powerful fireworks I have ever experienced and of course - La crema, the fiery end to the whole party. /Helena

Under hela festivalen är Valencia fyllt av enorma statyer, "fallas"
Throughout the festival, Valencia is filled with huge statues, 'fallas'.

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