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Canoe with pedals or surfboard with motor?


How about pushing a canoe forward with your feet or taking to the water on a motorised surfboard? At the Everything for the Sea fair, you will find most things that have to do with life on the sea, so to speak. Today we are showing examples of smaller craft, for those who want to paddle, pedal or whiz along at high speed with a motor.


Trample along ...

Pedalling through the water seems to be a popular activity on the Everything for the sea. In the fair's pool you can see everything from ordinary pedal boats to more unusual ones. I've never seen the trampoline board before. Have you? Pedal canoes are mainly designed for people who want to fish or hunt - practical because you have both hands free. They are also very stable.

Bräda med trampor
If you don't want to paddle ...
Kajak med trampor
No risk of getting your jacket wet - the kayak is stable!

... or get more speed with a motorised surfboard.

If you want more speed, maybe a jet ski is your thing? Or why not a surfboard with a motor? Electrosurf is a completely new thing in Sweden. The narrow board is for those who want to get an adrenaline rush (25 knots) and the wide one for those who want to glide along at a more comfortable pace (4 knots). Starting this spring, the boards will be available for sale and hire in Stockholm.

Have you tried any of these? Or what would you like to try this summer?

Surfbräda med motor
Like Stand up paddle boarding - but with a motor.
Water scooters in bright colours

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