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View from the cockpit - a different kind of air travel

During one of our recent trips, one of us experienced a different kind of flight, with a view from the cockpit. From here the views are spectacular and the flight feels more 'real'. Of course, we couldn't resist taking photos, and today we're sharing our pictures.


Flights from Djerba, Tunisia

After visiting the lovely island of Djerba in Tunisia, it was time to fly back to Sweden. In the past, many charter companies had direct flights between Djerba and Stockholm - and maybe it will start again in the future - but currently the flight was a bit more cumbersome.

We flew first to the capital Tunis, then to Frankfurt and finally to Stockholm. And it was on this first short flight, between Djerba and Tunis, that we were able to enjoy the view from the cockpit.

On site at our hotel in Djerba: Palm Beach Palace.

Flight from Djerba to Tunis

With hindsight, we should of course have photographed the aircraft from the outside, but we didn't do that. It was early in the morning, and we were mostly concerned with getting on and off. We both find flying quite boring and uncomfortable, and are mostly thinking about how to pass the time - perhaps with a book, photo editing, a film, a nap or something edible.

On this particular flight, we had just started various activities when the aircraft crew suddenly came by and told Peter to come to the cockpit. What?

View from the cockpit - in flight

Our guide, who had previously worked for the Tunisian airline and knew the pilots well, managed to arrange for Peter to sit in the cockpit during the flight and landing. He was strapped into a seat behind the pilots, allowing him to see the view from one of the best seats in the plane.

Being in the cockpit during flight and landing was a fascinating experience. You get a completely different view from the plane's small side windows, and the flight feels somehow more 'real'.

The pilots themselves were very relaxed, sitting and chatting during the flight.

The weather was fine and the journey was very calm. For much of the flight, the autopilot is used, which makes the pilots' work easier, although manual monitoring is of course needed at all times.

Look, there's the runway! We once tried flying in the flight simulator in the Norwegian Bodöand we found it very difficult to land. However, when the pilots had to bring the passenger plane down, it seemed easy as pie, which may be partly due to the use of autopilot on approach, but mostly due to the knowledge and experience of the pilots.

That's it, the plane is back on the ground!

The pilots talk to the passengers and tell them about the conditions at their destination, the Tunisian capital Tunis.

More different types of air travel

Flying is often cramped and uncomfortable, and you often do your best just to pass the time until you reach your destination. You don't want any adventures in the form of bad weather and bumpy flights, you just want the journey to be safe and secure. But, can air travel also offer different or (positively) exciting experiences?

We remember some flights with amazing views, including over the Austrian Alps. Helena also remembers domestic flights in Iceland in small planes with only seven passengers. Then, of course, we've seen pictures of seaplanes in the Maldives, for example, which looks fascinating. Have you been on a different or fascinating flight?

Vintersport i Österrikiska alperna
View of the Austrian Alps - from the aircraft window

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