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Inner peace in the Sierra de Madrid - Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Mataelpino

Guest writer: Miss Lopez

Sierra de Madrid, a peaceful and beautiful place that welcomes the Kadampa Buddhist Centre in Mataelpino. After spending a few days in the heart of this place as a volunteer, I felt inspired to share the wonderful experience that this centre, which follows the Buddhist tradition adapted for the West, Kadampa, offers.

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6 tips for a brighter autumn

It's still summer, but autumn is inexorably approaching. The holidays may be over and it's time to get ready for autumn and work. So, how do you find strength and energy? Here are some tips for a brighter autumn!

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Sleeping well - 12 ideas for better sleep

Sleeping well is important. A good night's sleep will keep you energised throughout the day, while a bad night can be the complete opposite. We often sleep well (especially in the campervan!) but sometimes we sleep badly, and this has got us thinking about how to improve our sleep. Here are some ideas and tips.

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Does food have to be made from scratch to be good?

So, does food have to be cooked from scratch to be good? There's a lot of talk about 'natural' and 'clean' ingredients, but do we need to be concerned when buying whole or semi-finished products? It's time for Health Day, and we'd like to reduce stress a little.

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Sugar - is it a poison? (Can you get addicted?)

Is sugar a poison? Can you become addicted to sugar? And if so, what can you do about it? We're doing "health day" here at FREEDOMtravel and today I thought we'd talk about sugar.

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Public health and medicine - two different perspectives

Public health and medicine are the focus of today's discussion. What is the difference? And why does it matter? I'm going to talk about some of the things that are on my mind as a public health scientist in these times. It's about both COVID-19 and nutrition. Welcome to another health-themed Wednesday!

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Tips on healthy eating - when does it become lecturing?

Healthy eating tips - when does it become a point of reference? When you work with health and food, you wrestle with this all the time, I promise. I was going to finish my Wednesday theme on food and health, but I got requests to continue... and yes, I have more to write on this topic!

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Jogging in winter - dress for the weather

Can you jog in winter? It is often emphasised that the good thing about jogging is that you don't need any special equipment. It is almost True, but you need a good pair of shoes and in winter you also need to think a little more carefully.

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Vitamins and stuff - should you boost with supplements?

Vitamins and minerals and stuff, do you need to boost? We're continuing our "food and health" theme on Wednesdays for a while longer. Today we're getting into a discussion about vitamins and minerals. Is it all good, or do you need to think about it sometimes?

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Healthy food - what does it mean?

Healthy food, what does that really mean? I was recently asked to write about this topic, so I'm giving it a try. Whilst I usually prefer to talk about healthy or good food, it doesn't really matter which word you use. The question is what do you mean? And how do you know what is healthy?

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