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6 tips for a brighter autumn

It's still summer, but autumn is inexorably approaching. The holidays may be over and it's time to get ready for autumn and work. So, how do you find strength and energy? Here are some tips for a brighter autumn!


1. go out in nature

Nature has a positive impact on people. Research shows that spending time in natural environments reduces negative emotions and stress, and increases positive emotions, mental recovery and performance.

In the summer, spending time outdoors often comes naturally, but in the autumn it's easy to get stuck indoors. Do you have a natural area, or perhaps a park, near where you live or work? Try to get out for a little walk in nature every day for your own wellbeing!

2. Find a fun form of exercise

We all know that exercise is good for your health. We also know that the best exercise is the one that gets done. Autumn can be the perfect time to think about what kind of exercise, or movement, you would find fun and enjoyable.

Would you like to take up dancing, or try padel? Or would you prefer to cycle to and from work, or do some home gym exercises in your bedroom from time to time? If you are not used to exercising, even a small change can make a big difference.

3. treat yourself to a massage

Taking care of yourself to feel good is also about being kind to yourself. Why not treat yourself to a massage? During a massage, the body releases oxytocin, also known as the 'calmness hormone'. A massage can help you relax and help reduce tension, increase blood circulation and reduce pain in areas such as the back, neck and shoulders.

If you live, or are in the Stockholm area, you can book a massage at Massage Stockholm in several different locations around the county.

4. Give yourself enough sleep

Another important factor for an energetic autumn is getting enough sleep. Be kind to yourself and go to bed on time so you have a chance to wake up refreshed.

Of course, if you have trouble sleeping, this can be easier said than done. Some tips include having regular bedtimes, making sure your bedroom is cool and dark, and being physically active during the day so that your body is tired.

5. Feast on green

We all know that food is important for our health. Thinking about what you not should eat can often feel boring. This makes it all the more fun to think about what you can add to your diet that can provide important nutrients. As we increase our intake of fresh and healthy foods, we may find ourselves cutting back on the unhealthy stuff, on the fly.

Vegetables and fruit are good for your health in many ways. Mix and match and go for foods with lots of colours. Vegetables can be raw, but also cooked, stir-fried or baked, for example. If you don't usually cook completely vegetarian, why not try it once in a while?

6. plan something fun to look forward to

Last but not least, plan something fun to look forward to! When summer and holidays are over, it's easy for everyday life to feel a bit grey. This is the perfect time to plan for the joys of autumn. It can be a trip, but it can also be small excursions, dinners with friends, parties, concerts, club meetings or just about anything that you think is fun!

More tips for a brighter autumn?

Do you have even more tips for a brighter autumn? What do you do to cheer yourself up and see the darkening season in a brighter light? Let us know!

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