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Travelling with migraines - my top 10 tips

I have had a good period now with fairly few migraines, but a few days ago I had an attack again. Then I thought I had to write a post about travelling with migraine. It is something that I unfortunately know a lot about. Here are my best tips for those travelling with migraine - and for those who are travelling with someone with migraine.

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The town of Hvar and the island of Hvar in Croatia

The city of Hvar in Croatia is located on the island of Hvar, in the Adriatic Sea. The old town of Hvar is a medieval town with shiny stone floors, grand buildings and tall churches such as St Stephen's Cathedral. There's also a wide harbour promenade, and because it's car-free, it's a lovely holiday town with boats, palm trees and parties.

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From holiday resort to city life in Sardinia

Today we braved the heat (36 degrees and scorching sun) and left the quiet holiday resort of Porto Pino in Sardinia for the more hectic city of Cagliari. Why? Well, we need cook things. We need to fix the motorhome (engine light and spanner icon on), we need to fix my computer (battery and charging problems) and we need to fix ourselves (knee pain and headache problems).

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Medical appointments before travelling

Doctors and medical care are of course also available abroad, but it is still a good idea to visit a doctor before travelling long distances. When travelling in Europe, the European Health Insurance Card entitles you to emergency medical care, but there are still some things to consider in advance, such as dental care and medication.

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Having migraines - a misery

I'm certainly not going to complain. Everyone has their shit, and some people have conditions and worries that are much worse than what I'm dealing with. Migraines are harmless, but completely disabling when they strike. At least that's how it is for me. I end up (at best) in bed with an ice pack on my head. At worst, I wander around like an unholy spirit because the pain is too intense to rest.

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Travel pharmacy for summer holidays

A travel pharmacy is useful when travelling. You never know when you might get sick or suffer a minor injury. In addition, when travelling there is often a risk of things like extra strong sun or mosquitoes, for example. Here is a list of good things to pack. What do you always pack in your travel pharmacy?

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Mosquitoes - how to protect yourself!

When travelling in the north of Sweden you are likely to be hit by: mosquitoes. All blood-sucking creatures are for some reason very fond of me (check the picture), but less so of Peter... I therefore feel that I have to prepare myself!

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Swine flu - is it safe to travel?

DN today published an extensive report on swine flu. The report was mainly about who should foot the bill when Sweden plans to mass vaccinate the population. Should it be the state or the county council, or should the population pay a certain amount themselves?

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