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Further adventures, challenges and film number 3

We continue our boating adventure in the Philippines, and in some ways it just gets more and more adventurous. We get further and further away from the crew's home island of Malapascua and into more and more unknown areas. Along the way we experience many paradise islands, but of course we also face challenges.


Going on an adventure

Being on an adventure is really fun, and we feel that this is what we love about travelling - that new unknown destinations are just around the corner and that you are constantly making new plans. We've only temporarily swapped "motorhome in Europe" for "boat in the Philippines".

On board the boat Dotche - Julia and Micke in front, behind them Peter and Captain Hildo.

We started the trip on the island of Malapascua and have since continued to Tabango on Leyte, the paradise island Kalanggaman, the small cosy island Tulang Diot and Pacijan Island in the Camotes Islands. On board we have a large map so that we can put up pins as we go along.

Challenges - ATM, electricity and internet

We get to see lots of stunningly beautiful places and enjoy the sun and shimmering green waters. But of course we also face challenges along the way.

One challenge has been withdrawing money. Many ATMs in smaller towns only accept domestic cards, so sometimes we don't get any money at all. Now we have learnt to withdraw quite a lot at once when we find an ATM that accepts international cards.

Finally a "real" bank in Poro in Camotes Island - here we could withdraw money!

Another challenge is electricity and internet. Actually, we have solutions for both - the local SIM cards can be charged in shops and we have solar cells and batteries on board Dotche.

When it comes to electricity, the challenge is that we have so much to charge - two computers, two power batteries, two mobile phones, a drone and a gimbal (a kind of image stabiliser for a mobile phone) and all of them take time to charge.

When it comes to the internet, it's all about finding a shop that sells charging for at least two weeks. Some only sell for three days or a week and finally, when we finally found a shop that sold charging for 14 days - they only had so they could sell it to one of us. But in the end we found it!

Another challenge, of course, is that we sometimes go a long way out to sea, or to very small islands, and there is always the risk of poor or lost coverage. So we usually try to write some posts in advance and time them.

Some other things are easier than you might think. When we were out with mops on Camotes Island, it took a while to find a petrol station, and by the time we did, they were out of petrol. But then we learned that you can also pop into small shops along the way, where you can sometimes find petrol in large coca cola bottles.

Saviour in need! Here we get help to refuel our rented moped at a small shop.

Film number 3

Want to follow the adventure on film? Now film number 3 is out. This time there's no talking, but seven minutes of film clips, along with some narrative text. Check out the film below. As usual, you can also watch the film on After Work TV - the new play channel for all senior citizens in Sweden.

Best this week

The best thing about this week is that we've reached a number of exciting islands and places here in the Philippines, and we can look forward to a really cool continuing adventure.

Your turn... How has your week been? What can you highlight as positive from the week?

The week ahead

In the coming week, we will continue to report on our boat trip adventure in the Philippines. You can also look forward to the continuation of the exciting report on the Unknown Islands. Comoros, written by our new guest writer Anna Nilsson Spets.

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Finally off on a boat trip in the Philippines!

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