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Finally off on a boat trip in the Philippines!

Now we are finally on our way to the Philippines on a boat trip. After much planning and a long wait, it feels great to be on this adventure. Happy Friday!


Great meetings, exotic experiences and beautiful beaches

The trip started with a relatively stormy boat trip and nice meetings in the Tabango on the island of Leyte. It is truly amazing to be invited to the home of the locals, as we were.

Apart from the fact that it is nice, you get the chance to learn from each other in so many different ways. Among other things, we got to try some dishes that were more or less new to us, such as sea cucumber and local seaweed.

Sea cucumber in a good marinade

Then we proceeded to the island Kalanggaman, an island paradise with white beaches and turquoise waters.

Living simply - and living in a tent

This trip is a great adventure trip, but we are working at the same time and we are far from living super luxuriously. On board the boat Dotche, seven of us live relatively simply, with one toilet and a small gas stove for cooking. The Filipino crew primarily does the cooking, but we can also use the kitchen if we want.

Peter takes care of the dishes

For accommodation, we have two tents with us. The idea is to be able to pitch the tents, either on the boat or elsewhere. When we got to the paradise island of Kalanggaman, we pitched the tents on the beach, and it was completely different. fantastic. What about sleeping in a tent? Yes, we are a bit unaccustomed and feel a bit stiff and sore all over, but it will be fine!

Sometimes a challenge to find the internet

Finding internet can sometimes be a challenge for us. We have bought a local sim card and router, and so far we feel that the coverage in the Philippines is relatively good, but of course it is challenging when travelling on the sea and to small, more or less uninhabited islands.

But of course we are not giving up! When we visited the family in Tabango on Leyte, the coverage was poor on their street. You could go to a machine and pay five Philippine pesos (about one cent) for an hour of internet.

On the island of Kalanggaman, coverage is weak. However, one of our crew members, Hildem, advised us to go up a tower on the beach, and we got coverage!

Best this week

What's the best thing about this week? Going on a boat trip in the Philippines of course! Hope you want to follow the adventure!

The week ahead

In the coming week there will be further updates from our boat trip adventure. There will also be a report from a brand new guest writer, from a very exciting destination. Don't miss it!

Did you miss the last Happy Friday? Read the Beautiful dresses, rainy weather and ready for a boat trip?

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