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I forgot to tell you ... about the sewerage incident

We were having a leisurely dinner on Friday, drinking a glass of wine, when suddenly we noticed a smell... very bad. That's when we realised that the sewage tank was not properly sealed, so to speak. It has to be emptied at regular intervals (by pulling a lever). We had never really thought about what could happen if it was overfilled, but we realised that.


Sewage everywhere

Sewage was spraying out through a leaky corner over, yes, our clothes. Anyway, we had intended to rip out the fixed wardrobe fittings and repaint. But now we started that job little faster than planned, so to speak.

Below is a before-Friday picture of the boiler room, and at the top you can see an after-Friday picture. This Friday the plumber is coming, and then we will install a new modern sewage tank that empties itself! The faux fur clothes are being dry cleaned ...

Crawl in closet

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